An airlift to support Ukraine?

Canada should set up an air bridge to Ukraine in order to support the country as much as possible in defending itself against the Russian invasion that has been going on for 20 days.

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According to Charles-Philippe David, founder of the Raoul-Dandurand Chair in Strategic and Diplomatic Studies at UQAM, Canada “lacks creativity” to support the country of Volodymyr Zelensky, who nevertheless multiplies calls for the help of his allies.

The Ukrainian president also addressed the House of Commons on Tuesday morning to ask for support “which will help us to win, to save lives, to save the world. We urge you to support us more, to support us in our efforts.”

“I think the idea of ​​an airlift for Kyiv would be a good idea, even if yes, there is always danger, always risk”, explains Mr. David in an interview with 100% News.

The idea is not new, Harry Truman, American President, decided in 1948 to set up an airlift to help the people of West Berlin.

“Berlin was completely deprived of access to road, air and rail transport to be able to survive, live, have their goods.”

The airlift will have made that difference, and that option should be considered for the catastrophic situation unfolding in Ukraine.

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If the creation of an airlift and the sending of Canadian planes is risky, the expert wonders which is more dangerous: to support Ukraine in such a way, or to see Ukraine fall into the hands of the Russians?

“If we do nothing now, and in a complete tragedy Ukraine passes into Russian hands… Is Putin going to stop there? Can we really feel really reassured and safe? I very much doubt it. If we do nothing now, I think we will face other situations, such as Modalvie, the Baltic countries which are at the forefront of the insecurity of Eastern European countries. That poses quite a problem,” explains Charles-Philippe David.

“I think we are at a crossroads,” concludes the expert.


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