Russia and Ukraine: The story of the “Hemingway” bar that was flattened by the Russian bombing in the city of Kharkiv

  • George Wright
  • BBC News

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picture released, Kostiantyn Kuts

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The pub has become very popular among young creative people in Kharkiv

“You’ll never drink alone.” Written above the famous Old Hum pub in the city of Kharkiv, in eastern Ukraine, this was the phrase.

The pub is named following the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway. The pub-goers passed by a statue of him on their way inside.

The place was popular among the talented young people of the city, and Serhiy Zahadan, one of Ukraine’s most famous poets, often went to the pub.

However, the Old Hum pub was reduced to rubble, following it was completely destroyed by a Russian bombing that targeted the city on Monday.

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