The conflict Russia – Ukraine, minute by minute | Attacks and curfew in kyiv

The fourth round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine began

The fourth round of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia resumed on Tuesday, a Ukrainian official announced, insisting on kyiv’s call for a ceasefire.

“Negotiations are ongoing”Mykhailo Podoliak, a negotiator and adviser to Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky, said on Twitter. Among the issues to be addressed are “a ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian troops” of the Ukrainian territory, he added.

UK: assets of Russian individuals and organizations frozen

The British Government froze the assets of 935 people and 70 organizations in Russia among which are the vice president of the Russian Security Council, Dmitri Medvédev, the Russian prime minister, Mijaíl Mishustin, and the mayor of Moscow, Serguéi Sobianin.

“We are going further and faster than ever in hit those closest to Putin, from the leading oligarchs to your prime minister and the propagandists who peddle your lies and disinformation. We want them to explain their complicity in Russia’s crimes in Ukraine,” UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss was quoted as saying by

The official added that they will continue “working closely with our allies” and that “they will increase the pressure on Putin to cut off the financing of the Russian war machine”.

Mariupol: regarding 2 thousand vehicles left the city

The town hall of the Mariúpol reported that some 2,000 vehicles were able to leave the city which is surrounded by Russian and pro-Russian forces through a humanitarian corridor.

“Two thousand more cars are waiting to leave the city,” the Mariupol city council said, without saying how many people had been able to flee the port city.

Ukraine reported that three journalists were killed and more than 30 wounded during the war

The Ukrainian government reported that three journalists were killed and more than 30 were injured during the war with Russia.

“At least 35 journalists were victims,” ​​Ludmila Denissova, head of human rights in the Ukrainian Parliament, said in a message on Telegram.

The American Brent Renaud was fatally shot on Sunday outside kyiv, the Ukrainian journalist Evgueni Sakun died in the bombing of the kyiv television tower and the also Ukrainian Viktor Dudarduring the fighting near Mikolaiv (south).

Denissova charged that other reporters were injured “by intentional enemy shots.”

Boris Johnson proposes not to depend on Russian oil and gas

British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, wrote a column in the newspaper Telegraph in which urged the West to “take back control” of your energy supplies and end dependence on Russian oil and gas.

“When Putin first invaded Ukraine, in 2014, the West made a terrible mistake. The Russian leader had committed an act of violent aggression and taken a large part of a sovereign government and we let him get away with it,” he wrote.

According to the conservative leader, the only way to stop President Putin’s “continuous blackmail” is to end Western countries’ dependence on Russian oil and gas. “As long as the West is economically dependent on Putin, he will do everything in his power to exploit that dependency. And that is why that dependency must end now,” he insisted.

“We cannot continue like this. The world cannot be subjected to this continual blackmail,” she determined. Last week, the British government announced it will phase out Russian oil imports by the end of 2022 and compensate by buying from Saudi Arabia.

Sanctions on Russia will not affect its cooperation with Iran

Russia said on Tuesday that it had received assurances from the United States that the sanctions imposed on him for the war in Ukraine will not affect his cooperation with Iranwhich might reactivate the international agreement on the Iranian nuclear program.

“We got written guarantees. They were included in the agreements to relaunch the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran’s nuclear program,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said alongside his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

Around 150 thousand people were evacuated through humanitarian corridors

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk reported that around 150,000 people were evacuated through humanitarian corridors from the conflict zones in Ukraine to safe places.

During a press conference given by the official, she said that people are still exposed to danger along the humanitarian corridors, which were established following several rounds of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, with the aim of evacuating civilians.

As reported on Monday by the Interfax-Ukraine news agency, the deputy head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, revealed that the country established 26 humanitarian corridors in six regions with this objective.

More than three million people fled Ukraine

More than three million people have fled Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported on Tuesday.

According to Unicef, at least 1.4 million of those refugees are children and among them there are also 157,000 citizens of other countries who fled Ukraine, the IOM reported.

Poland is the country that has received the most refugees from Ukraine. In total, 1.79 million people found refuge in Poland since February 24, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Other countries that have received large numbers of refugees are Romania, Hungary and Moldova.

Prime Ministers of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia travel to kyiv to meet with Zelensky

The prime ministers of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia travel to kyiv on Tuesdayas representatives of the European Council, the Polish government announced in a statement.

Mateusz Morawiecki, Petr Fiala and Janez Jansa “travel to kyiv today as representatives of the European Council to meet there with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal,” according to the official Polish text.

The purpose of the visit isreaffirm the unequivocal support of the European Union (EU) as a whole for the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and present a set of measures to support the Ukrainian state and society,” added the statement, collected by the Sputnik and AFP news agencies.

Ukrainian Government Launches Website to Receive Cryptocurrency Donations

The Ukrainian government launched a website in partnership with the cryptocurrency firms FTX y Everstake to receive international donations which will be received by the Central Bank of Ukraine to alleviate the crisis caused by the war. Until now, managed to raise almost 49 million dollars.

On the “Aid for Ukraine” site, users can currently offer donations in 10 cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, ether, theter, and dogecoin.

“Cryptocurrencies play a significant role in the defense of Ukraine,” Oleksandre Borniakov, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation, said in a statement. “Cryptocurrency assets have proven extremely valuable in facilitating the flow of funds to Ukrainian citizens and soldiers and for create awareness and interest among the global public.

Russia prefers not to make predictions regarding the negotiations

The Kremlin considered this Tuesday premature any “prognosis” on the negotiations with Ukraine, following statements by an adviser to the Ukrainian presidency regarding the possibility of reaching a peace agreement before May.

“The work between the two delegations (Russian and Ukrainian) continues by videoconference, it is a complex job, and the fact that it continues is already positive” said the spokesman for the Russian presidency, Dmitri Peskov.

“We don’t want to make forecasts at the moment,” he added, preferring to “wait for tangible results before informing the populations of both countries.”

Previously Oleksiï Arestovich, an advisor to the Ukrainian presidency, had considered it possible that a peace agreement might occur between Moscow and kyiv.

“I think that no later than May (…), we should most likely reach a peace agreement, and perhaps much more quickly,” he said on YouTube.

Attacks in kyiv intensify and impose curfew

the mayor of KievVitali Klichko, announced a 36 hour curfew in the Ukrainian capital starting this Tuesday night due to the “difficult and dangerous” situation in the city.

“Today is a difficult and dangerous day (…) That is why I am asking the people of kyiv to prepare to be at home for two days,” the official said in a statement explaining that traffic in the city It will be prohibited from 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday until 7:00 a.m. on Thursday.

“Any movement in kyiv without special permits is prohibited. You can only go outside to get to shelters,” added the mayor of the Ukrainian capital.

The authorities had already imposed a similar curfew on February 26, at the start of the Russian invasion. Now they reestablished the measure before the resurgence of the attacks.

In the framework of the new bombings, at least two people died in the attack on a residential building in the Ukrainian capital. The city is surrounded by Russian forces.



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