Priscilla Vargas explains why she decided to leave Mega to join “Here we are all” on Channel 13

This Monday, Priscilla Vargas made her debut hosting the channel 13 Here We Are All following having worked for 20 years at Mega.

This Monday the third season of the program debuted here we are all with Priscilla Vargas At the head, a journalist who left Mega a few days ago to join this new television adventure on Channel 13.

In this first chapter we talked regarding the “School bullying, phenomenon that has presented an increase in its complaints. For this reason, two stories of women who were affected to this day by what they suffered in their school years were shown. In addition, the testimony of Américo was presented, who via zoom, recounted the “bullying” suffered by his little daughter, which he denounced.

After this long-awaited debut on Luksic’s signal, Vargas took a few minutes to talk with BioBioChilean instance in which she not only talked regarding her feelings following this first chapter but also explained what prompted her to change television stations to join this project.

-What do you think will be your main challenge in the program?

That people realize that although it is a program that lasts an hour and a half, it is a team that is working permanently. We need to be in connection with the cases, with the people, empathize with what we are presenting because it is more than informing.

I feel that we have to manage in some way to raise awareness and that they also connect with us, that we do the program together. Perhaps that is the main challenge: that people realize that this is a real program, made by people who are involved and who are highly committed to each of the cases that are presented.

-How did you live this first day in Here we are all?

I lived it intensely, from very early, from 8 in the morning, not only preparing the program with the guideline meeting but also pending the promotions we did in the morning and also the appearance on Teletrece Tarde. All that adds up, it was super necessary, so my only concern was to arrive 100% with the information I needed for this first program that really left me very happy.

Canal 13

Arrival at Channel 13

-What prompted you to join the Here we are all?

I was motivated by the concern I had for some time to work on new television formats. I had been working in the press for 20 years and I think it was time to do something elseand this program was presented in which I knew that there was an incredible team, I knew that there were incredible professionals whom I deeply admire because they have done very important things on television, such as Rodrigo Bustos and Nicolás Quesille.

I really think that everything was given so that at this moment I made that decision, difficult, to leave the press, from my comfort zone, to start a new challenge in which I also felt that I had all the necessary tools to be able to perform in a program of this type, so I hope to do well.

-Is it very different to do this type of program compared to the press?

Yes, it is very different because the press goes from one piece of news to another, taking advantage of telling everything that is happening in Chile, in sports, in many areas in the world, and I feel that here we concentrate for an hour and a half with a clear objective. We try to go in some way seeing different points of view and providing different tools to solve a social problem of which we have to become part.

This program allows me to get involved emotionally and as a person to also empathize with the cases that are being presented, something that is very difficult to achieve in the press. Yes, it is done many times but not always, and I think that this one and a half hour program allows me to be 100% connected with what we are communicating.

-Were there many nerves in the previous program?

I think the whole team was nervous but if you ask me, more than nerve I felt anxiety, I wanted to leave soon because we had already prepared the debut of this program very much once morest time and I wanted it to come to light quickly.

I also wanted to see what my working hours were going to be, my ways of working, so all I wanted was to leave, and I was very happy to do so. I was left with the feeling of having fulfilled the objective in this first program, which was very important.

-Today they addressed a case that was widely seen in the press, that of Katy Winter, but as an example to advise parents, how do you see this side of service journalism?

Today we start with a case that is very powerful, it was very mediatic. I think it was a case that somehow made us sensitize ourselves to an issue that we sometimes make invisible, at home, in the course or in the school itself, either out of shame, because we did not take the necessary weight or because the school does not want to make known what happens to maintain its image. I think we have to put all that aside because, as happened in the case of Katy Winter, it can lead to a dramatic and irreversible result.

That’s why we wanted to present it, because bullying or bullying can be so serious that it is even capable of ending a person’s lifethen it is time to act, and if we can advise parents to be able to detect when a child is being bullied, or when my child is being bullied at school, clearly this can be prevented, and from there we want to contribute , always with the examples that are finally so valuable on the part of the people who give us their testimony.



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