The producer revealed how many hundreds of millions of dollars Loboda earned in Russia

Ukrainian singer has long renounced the citizenship of her country in favor of a European passport

Svetlana Loboda. Photo: Global Look Press

A native of Kyiv, singer Svetlana Lobodashedding tears and demonstrating the second week of high patriotism in her microblog, as it turned out, she had long ago exchanged her Ukrainian passport for European citizenship.

With the same ease, the artist “spit into the well” from which she “drank” for many years – she condemned Russia for a special operation to protect Donbass from neo-Nazis.

Producer, organizer of star concerts Kirill Chibisov told the site FAN not only that Loboda has long been a civilian of the Republic of Malta, where she moved her relatives, but from now on she may not work.

“She, like the rest of the artists from Ukraine, had the last five “fat” years when they earned millions. They are not afraid to burn bridges when you have 200-300 million dollars in your account. All these tears regarding Ukraine are ordered. They don’t spill anything. They sit by the pool and drink cocktails. Who flew to Dubai, who flew to Marbella. No one sits in Kyiv, ”the producer emphasized.

The accumulated millions of dollars that the ex-soloist of VIA Gra earned mainly in Russia will easily provide her with a comfortable existence in Europe.

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