Walking can secrete muscle hormones and have 12 benefits such as stroke prevention | protein | sarcopenia | stretching

Editor’s note:frommuscleskin, hair, nails, blood vessels to internal organs, all made ofproteinconstituted.Insufficient protein can cause a variety of symptoms, especially in the elderlysarcopenia!Strength training combined with protein intake can maintainmusclequantity, it also helpsmuscle hormonesecretion. Muscle hormones have 12 benefits for the human body.

proteinWhat if there is not enough?

Insufficient protein can cause various symptoms, especially for the elderlysarcopenia

Insufficient protein, which is closely related to all bodily functions, can cause various physical discomforts. In addition to chronic fatigue, stiff shoulders, low back pain, diarrhea, cold hands and feet, edema, anemia, etc., may also be caused by insufficient protein. If you have the bottom line, you might as well re-examine the content of your diet first.

Also, do you know the term “sarcopenia”? The word means loss of muscle mass and functional decline. Insufficient protein can lead to “sarcopenia”. If the muscle mass is reduced, the physical function will decline, and it is easy to increase the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, and diabetes.

Especially sarcopenia in the elderly, coupled with the loss of muscle mass due to aging, loss of appetite, and not eating enough, lead to accelerated deterioration. This negative chain is called the “debilitating cycle” and can eventually become bedridden.

What is even more frightening is that sarcopenia is progressing unknowingly. In the era of fullness, even if you think you are eating enough, you are still considered to be deficient in protein; in fact, there are many people who are in a state of malnutrition. It is recommended not to ignore the signs of sarcopenia, and remember to exercise moderately and pay attention to the intake of protein in the diet.

Insufficient protein can lead to physical decline

Sarcopenia shortens lifespan. (Provided by Taiwan Donghan)

Unknowingly, it goes through several “cycles of weakness”, eventually reaching sarcopenia.

Signs of sarcopenia

People who meet the following criteria may have sarcopenia:

● The calf gradually becomes thinner

● Walking slower, the green light is too late to cross the pedestrian crossing

● Grip strength becomes weak, unable to hold objects

Make a circle with your thumb and index finger and grab the thickest part of your calf. If your fingers can touch each other, you are at high risk of sarcopenia.

Signs of sarcopenia.  (Provided by Taiwan Donghan)
You can measure whether you are a high-risk group for sarcopenia. (Provided by Taiwan Donghan)

It’s not just regarding getting in shape! ?muscle hormonewhat is it?

Strength training can secrete the super hormone “muscle hormone” with various health effects!

For a long time, the function of muscles was thought to support the body and generate movement. However, studies in recent years have confirmed that muscles secrete various hormones.

According to research, there are more than 30 kinds of hormones secreted by muscles, collectively referred to as “muscle hormones”. Surprisingly, its effects range from improving fat breakdown to regulating sugar metabolism, various symptoms caused by metabolic syndrome, to improving depression, activating immunity, suppressing cancer, preventing dementia, and more. Various health effects can be expected.

So, how to increase its secretion? Muscle hormones are secreted by muscle contractions. That is to say, active activities such as muscle strength training can promote its secretion. However, the amount of secretion in one exercise is limited, so it is more effective to continue to perform slow exercises with moderate movements every day instead of striving for a day of intense strength training.

In addition, it is also important to consume protein in conjunction with strength training. Insufficient protein leads to loss of muscle mass, and the secretion of muscle hormones also decreases.

Strength training can promote muscle hormone secretion.  (Provided by Taiwan Donghan)
Strength training can promote muscle hormone secretion. (Provided by Taiwan Donghan)

It’s true that “moving the body is good for your health

Every day, it is necessary to fully exercise the muscles that can be moved by yourself:Muscle hormones are not limited to specific muscles, but are secreted by muscles throughout the body. You can breathe as much as you can, and you may wish to engage in muscle-active exercises every day.

Recommended thigh exercises for large muscle areas:walkingOr stretching, etc., the exercise load is light. Muscle contractions release myotropin! It is sent to the whole body along the blood flow to exert various effects.

The 12 effects of muscle hormones:

● suppress depression and anxiety

● Prevent and improve heart disease

● Improve liver function

● Improve the function of the pancreas

● Improve immunity

● Prevent and improve diabetes

● Reduce the risk of stroke

● Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia

● Improve arteriosclerosis

● Improve high blood pressure

● Improve bone density

● Reduced cancer incidence (website feature)

Excerpted fromIllustration of essential nutrients for the human body“Taiwan East Sales Publishing

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Responsible editor: Liu Yanxin



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