Al-Marsad newspaper: I visited the “Tawasul” association, accompanied by its advisor, Fahd Al-Thunayan, the former Secretary General of Al-Nasr Club, Khaled Al-Zaila’i, the Saudi football player, Al-Nasr Club and the former Abha Club at his home, with the aim of providing a functional and environmental assessment service, providing his and his family’s needs to help him in his daily life, and regain control In the environment around him and his surroundings and rely on himself by providing smart devices, technologies, and training on them.
For her part, Bayan Al-Mutairi, president of the association, said: “We in Tawasul Association serve people with disabilities, such as the player Khaled Al-Zaila’i and others, to regain control over his life and social contact with the surrounding environment by evaluating the job profile of his condition in terms of environmental, physical, sensory and social assessment.”
And she continued: “The association will offer a set of packages, including a smart wheelchair powered by technology, a tablet device and advanced glasses that can control the surroundings around it from devices, electronics and writing on the tablet, with education and training on it through visits to his home to enable him to ease life.”
Khaled Al-Zaila’i had revealed earlier that he had been exposed to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a rare disease, stressing that he was exposed to this disease suddenly and without any introduction, and this disease is characterized by its rapid spread throughout the body, which makes atrophy move from muscles to nerves, And then the person loses his control over the muscles, which affects the human body and its senses, especially speech, which seems difficult.