why did his wife refuse his marriage proposal?

Samuel Étienne: why did his wife refuse his marriage proposal?

Samuel Étienne: why did his wife refuse his marriage proposal?

Samuel Étienne regularly makes statements to his wife, Helen, with whom he has shared his life for several years. Hard to believe then that the mother of his children initially refused to marry him.

Samuel Etienne has no time to waste. The journalist from France Info and France 3, also at the helm of his channel on Twitch, seems to seize all the opportunities that come his way. A way of doing things that he also applies to his personal life. So when he fell in love with Helen, he didn’t wait long before asking her to marry him. But the young woman answered no. An anecdote told in detail in the magazine 100% TV programsto which Purepeople had access. « I proposed to Helen right away. But, more reasonable than me, she first said no! We lived together and, a few years later, it was she who proposed to me.he explained before revealing the reasons for this excitement. « It took me a very long time to find the alter ego and ”the mother of my children”, according to the established expression. I was waiting to meet the person, and to feel that flash… which happened when I almost gave up. »

the marriage was celebrated in May 2015. In August 2016 their first child was born.a little boy named Malo. Four years later, Solal came to enlarge the family. A new role of father who seems to fill the presenter of Questions for a champion. “Three years ago my first child, Malo, was born. I never imagined the surge of love that this little guy was going to cause in me. […] I want lots of children. And lots of laughs at home”he confided in the columns of the Parisian in 2019.

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A role of father that fills him

A happiness that he regularly shares on his account Instagram. In July 2021, he posted a black and white photo of him carrying one of his sons at arm’s length. In the caption, a few words: “I have known many pleasures, many joys, but nothing comparable to the happiness of being a father. »

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

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