MLB’ 39-year-old Astros ace Verlander returns after two years

Astros pitcher Verlander’s last major league appearance was in July 2022. (Associated Press file photo)

Astros ace pitcher Justin Verlander is about to return, and he will be out for the 2020 and 2021 seasons due to elbow ligament reconstruction surgery (Tommy John). Now that Verlander is 39 years old, he is one of the very few pitchers who had surgery at 37 and returned (10th all-time), and he thinks he’ll be a case in point, a pitcher with over 3,000 pitching innings who could have surgery at TJ To what extent did he recover later, he felt good after trying 33 shots in the bullpen on the 14th.

Verlander took a break in July 2020 after pitching in one game, and announced surgery in September. In fact, he thought about returning at the end of the 2021 season, but the doctor warned that his career might be “sacrifice” because of this, so he obediently waited until 2022 goals. season. Last year, Verlander and his wife Kate Upton went on vacation to Italy off-season, and several teams approached him, including the Yankees who offered $25 million a year. After a long talk, the Verlanders decided to stay with the Astros and signed a 1+1 contract ($25 million for one year + $25 million for a one-year player option).

“A lot of pitchers who have TJ surgery are young and haven’t pitched 3,000 major league innings. I’ve talked to a lot of people, I’m not going to set my pitching innings lower, I’ll keep the workload I’ve had in previous years, hopefully I’m 15 The muscle memory of 200 innings per season for years still works.”

Verlander’s last full game was in the 2019 season, with a 21-6, 2.58 ERA, and 223 innings in a single season for the AL first, earning him his second Cy Young Award. Verlander has accumulated 2,988 innings in the regular season and 187.2 innings in the playoffs.

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