To stop working on the decision of the Association of Banks

The associations of public sector employees and retirees of the security, military and educational services called for halting the decision of the Association of Banks to withhold 40% of the value of social assistance and to put an end to the practices of banks regarding public sector dues, salaries and compensations.

And it considered, in a statement, that the decision “constitutes a continuation of the policy of seizing the savings and compensation of employees and retirees, and constitutes a kind of heresy that has begun to affect salaries and their complements,” declaring its rejection “any condition the government sets to benefit from this social grant as a prelude to striking union work and preventing employees from Demanding their completely forfeited rights,” calling on them to “abolish the requirement to adhere to normal working hours to obtain social assistance.”

It called on the banks to “initiate the immediate and full payment of social assistance and salaries in full, under pain of being directly responsible for everything that might result in the event that they refrain from paying them in full and without division, in addition to the inadmissibility of setting any form of controls or ceilings for withdrawals on salaries and pensions.”

It also called for “holding the Association of Banks and the Governor of the Banque du Liban jointly and severally responsible for every delay in nullifying the effects of this decision and for the immediate return of it,” calling on “the government as a whole and the concerned administrative authorities to assume their responsibilities and immediately intervene to take administrative, legal and immediate measures to stop this violation.”

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