Low levels of iron in the body affect the production of hemoglobinTherefore, it becomes very important to include iron in our regular diet. To increase iron levels, there are many drinks that can increase iron levels in the body. Drinks rich in vitamin C are beneficial for anemia. You can make in home, according to the website. food-ndtv“.
Here are 5 vitamin-rich drinks to treat iron deficiency:
The first thing that comes to mind when we think of vitamin C, this drink also helps in boosting immunity, and since it contains citrus fruits, it is good for the skin..
pineapple juice:
This juice made from pineapple, orange, and bottle gourd is consumed for weight loss but has other health benefits as well. Oranges and pineapples are good sources of Vitamin C, and they may not be the direct suppliers of iron in the body but they do contribute to boosting iron status in the body.
Beets contain vitamin C and their leaves are a good source of iron. Beets and berries are mixed with salt and pepper. It is very tasty and can be enjoyed by people of all age groups.
Banana juice:
Bananas contain vitamin C and provide the body with iron, this banana and honey juice can be your go-to choice when you want to choose drinks more than food in your diet, it contains bananas, honey and even pumpkin seeds that are known to be one of the best sources of iron
Strawberry juice :
If you are looking for an idea to make something sweet, tasty and healthy for your family, you can make this drink. It contains strawberries, bananas and honey. If your iron stores are low, then consume any of these five drinks rich in vitamin C.