Judge ordered the capture of Diosdado Cabello if he arrived in Argentina

Diosdado Cabello Argentine judge

Argentine judge María Alejandra Giménez ordered the capture of Diosdado Cabello, vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, if he arrives in Argentina. The information was published on March 12 by the media Clarion.

This order was issued due to information that pointed to a possible arrival of the number two of the chavism to Argentine territory, specifically to the province of Jujuy.

sources revealed to Clarion that the decision was made on Friday by the substitute federal judge. This before a request from the Federal Court for the Southern District of New York, within the framework of the case entitled “S2 11 Cr. 205 (AHK)”.

They also indicated that the preventive international arrest warrant is for extradition purposes. This was reported by the Embassy of the United States in the warrant.

The Argentine media consulted the US embassy in the country. However, they did not want to comment.

The warrant states that “it is known, and thus was informed, that (Diosdado Cabello) would travel to the Argentine Republic on approximately March 11, 2022, and that he would enter the territory through Jujuy.” This according to the information offered by the sources to Clarion.

Despite this, there is no official information on the arrival of Diosdado Cabello in the country from the scheduled date.

Diosdado Cabello talks regarding Venezuelan oil

On Friday of this week, the Chavista gave a statement to the media regarding the possibility of Venezuela selling oil to the United States.

“Venezuela has the oil that many need, including the United States… but they have to pay for it, they must pay for it,” he said.

In this sense, he added: “It is important to remember, because there was a lot of criticism from sectors that know everything, that when Commander Chavez, at the worst moment of relations with the United States, we sold him oil.”

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