The state of mind in people can vary for different reasons, whether personal or due to stress. Likewise, everyone has a different way of dealing with the situation and counteracting this feeling.
According to information from Mayo Clinic, physical activity can help increase the production of endorphins, neurotransmitters in the brain that promote feelings of well-being. In that sense, any type of aerobic exercise or sport contributes to this process.
Another quality of exercise is its ability to reduce the negative effects of stressIt also improves the health of the cardiovascular, digestive and immune systems. In general, physical activity and a balanced diet are the pillars of a healthy lifestyle, which is why they are usually included in the traditional recommendations of doctors.
Apart from the positive effects of exercise for physical health, these types of activities also have an effect on mental health. For example, they help increase self-confidence, help a person relax, and reduce symptoms of mild depression or anxiety. In that same line, Mayo Clinic He adds that exercise improves sleep habits, which is essential to give the body the rest it needs.
Exercises to improve mood
In general, any physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, which is why they are useful for increasing the feeling of well-being. According to a study carried out by the University of Essex, United Kingdom, cited by the portal Summa Movement, “It is during the first five minutes of outdoor exercise that the greatest increase in self-esteem and mood improves.”.
The first step consists of warming up, an essential detail in any sport or discipline to “wake up” the body and prepare it before starting a physical activity. In this way, the senses are alerted, the joints are stimulated and the risk of suffering an injury is potentially reduced.
One of the most common warm-ups is the “clowns”, which consist of jumping on the stand, making a coordinated opening of the legs and arms. In this way, both the lower and upper body are activated.
The first exercise described by the aforementioned portal consists of making a transition from two positions: from bridge to cobra. For its execution you can have a mat or blanket to rest your hands on the ground. The bridge figure is achieved by fixing the hands and feet to the ground, sticking out the tail and pointing it towards the sky, keeping the legs and back straight. After staying in that starting position for a second, he brings his hips into duel and pushes his chest out, bringing it forward. In this way the cobra position is achieved.
The second exercise involves a hip lift with arm movement. To achieve this, you must support your back on a mat, looking up. The knees should be bent so that the heels remain straight and flat on the ground. Then, the hips must be raised at the same time that the arms are stretched laterally, taking them from the bottom to the top.
The third exercise requires a higher degree of resistance. For its execution, a position similar to that of “lizard” or chest flexion must be adopted. nextn, one hand is brought up, at the same time as the hip is rotated to achieve the correct extension. If the right hand is raised, the body turns to the right; while if the left hand is raised, the body rotates in the same direction.