Drinking alcohol every day harms brain health

According to a study, a low daily alcohol consumption causes significant structural damage in the brain.

According to a recent American study published in the journal Nature Communicationthe consumption of four units ofalcohol per day not only causes structural damage to the brain, but also a loss of brain volume. This is equivalent to two pints of beer or two glasses of wine.

A team from the University of Pennsylvania carried out an examination of the brain MRIs of 36,678 patients. It has thus demonstrated a reduction in the overall volume of the brain and gray matter with a consumption from one to two units ofalcohol per day.

The researchers specified that a person who drinks four units ofalcohol per day might suffer up to ten years of brain aging. “Heavy drinking is worse for the brain, but we haven’t looked at that closely yet“, said one of the authors of the American study, Rémi Daviet.

> To read also: Dementia: alcohol abuse increases the risk



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