Farewell to the cdH: with “Les Engagés”, Maxime Prévôt calls for a strong Europe, a single education network and the limitation of unemployment benefits

Maxime Prévôt announced the new name of the cdH during a conference organized on the Tour & Taxis site.

It is in front of a compact crowd that Maxime Prévôt presented Saturday the name and the graphic identity of the new party which succeeds the cdH. After more than two years, the process of refounding It will be beautiful tomorrow gave birth to Les Engagés for a regenerated society. Its color is turquoise. Its central concept is regeneration because “being indignant is no longer enough”.

This event attracted more than 1300 people to Tour & Taxis. Some of them came to take part in six workshop-debates on life and health, culture and education, prosperity, democracy, the social pact and freedoms. But the majority was present to hear the new program and the new ideas around which the former members of the Christian Democratic Party will gather.



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