“Independent Sports Network Concept” in which Russia is excluded and plans to involve China. Starting with a para-alternative tournament, a counter-mechanism will be established in the west along with “Russia-friendly” countries (1/5) | JBpress

Starting with the para-alternative tournament, will a counter-mechanism be established in the west along with “Russia-friendly” countries?

President Putin cherishes sports to raise national prestige. At the 2014 Sochi Olympics, he cheered on the tournament venue in training wear and encouraged the athletes directly. Plushenko of figure skating on the left, Lipnitskaya in the center (Photo: ITAR-TASS / Afro)

The move to eliminate Russia is accelerating in the sports world as well. The IPC (International Paralympic Committee) has been in a neutral position as of March 2 for the participation in the Beijing Paralympic Games in both Belarus and Russia, which have a military cooperation with Russia, which has been criticized internationally due to the invasion of Ukraine. However, it was withdrawn the next day due to the fierce opposition from international public opinion. It was announced that the participation of the Ryogoku teams would be excluded without being admitted.

Although the Russian side showed a stance of resisting this with strong angry words such as “unacceptable violence”, in the end it had to obey, and the team that had entered Beijing returned to Moscow. ..

Russia will hold an alternative Paralympic Games eliminated at the end of March

Most global sports organizations and groups, both professional and amateur, are beginning to keep pace with the exclusion of Russia and Belarus. Still, the IPC did not want to reduce the scale of the Beijing Paralympic Games, so it initially planned to allow both countries to participate with appropriate reasons, keeping the flow from the Beijing Olympics. It seems that he completely misunderstood the situation of anti-Russia spreading around the world.

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However, Russia cannot seem to keep silent with its fingers in the face of the current situation of being expelled from the international sports world centered on Western countries.

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