Square Enix keeps coming out of bad pitches. This time it’s your turn Chocobo GPa racing game similar to Mario Kart that recreates Chocobo Racing (1999) for PlayStation, although this time the console on which it can be played is Nintendo Switch. While audiences may be amused by this title, there is a huge problem: Chocobo GP It has a very high sale price and at the same time microtransactions.
Half year ago Chocobo GP It was announced, which caught the attention of Square Enix lovers. With enough emotion he was talking regarding the character unlock Final Fantasy and regarding the race tracks that would have. However, what seemed like it was going to be a success among the most nostalgic ended up becoming a great cry of indignation.
The game’s release produced no complaints regarding its gameplay or graphics. LWhat bothered many was that Chocobo GP had a full price of 50 dollars in the eShop de Nintendo and at the same time it will adopt a system of microtransactions typical of any free mobile game. As they say, a lot of emphasis is placed on in-game purchases and forces the player to use different types of currencies to unlock items.
For example, there are tickets that are earned by playing, Gil and Mythril, which can only be obtained with real money. In the case of Cloud Strife, to unlock it you need to purchase the battle pass, which costs 800 Mythril, which is obtained at a rate of 1000 units for 10 dollars.
As well there have been complaints regarding how long it takes to collect coins in order to unlock a character. This has not left anyone satisfied with so many additional expenses that the game suggests to make.
Public anger over the price and microtransactions of Chocobo GP
The communities of followers of Final Fantasy They have not been slow to publish their disagreements. At subreddit of said franchise They have commented on their disappointment and how annoying it is “to feel that the Nintendo Switch is a cell phone”.
On the other hand, several reviews are already gathering with very negative ratings from the public on sites like Metacritic. If it continues like this, Square Enix will have closed a week (and even the beginning of the year) with some of the worst rated games.
Via: Kotaku
Source: Metacritic