They publish an annotated anthology by Carles Bosch de la Trinxeria

The philologists Pep Vila and Joaquim Vilar have just published the first anthology commented on the writer Carles Bosch de la Trinxeria (Prats de Molló, 19831 – La Jonquera, 1897). Despite being an important author of the Renaixença, his work is still little known in its entirety, they point out from the publishing house Farell Editors, which has been in charge of the publication, which shows the variety of literary genres he developed.

The book is the result of a systematic search by the authors of his published work, through books, magazines and newspapers of the time, such as the Almanac of L’Esquella de la Torratxa, the newspaper La Renaixensa or La Veu de Montserrat. They have also collected the bibliography known so far.

With the selection, Vila and Vilar have set out to show the breadth of Bosch de la Trinxeria’s work, beyond rural fiction. The book offers other genres, such as short stories and narratives; texts on excursions, travel and folklore, created from observation, a taste for detail and language.

Carles Bosch of the Trench. Explained anthology also includes biographies and portraits, translations or correspondence with writers such as Jacint Verdaguer, Narcís Oller and Raimon Casellas.

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