Weapons, Russian gas, European defense… What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s speech on the war in Ukraine

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The European Union mobilized for Ukraine. Alongside Charles Michel, President of the European Council, and Ursula von der Leyen, head of the European Commission, French President Emmanuel Macron concluded, this Friday, the two-day summit of 27 heads of state or government. of the European Union, at the Palace of Versailles. Leaders have been trying to figure out how to help Ukraine, militarily and politically, as the Russian army continues its invasion.

More weapons to Ukraine

To counter the Russian invasion and support the Ukrainian army, the European Union had already voted an initial envelope of nearly 500 million euros to deliver military equipment, including combat planes and missiles. This effort will be reinforced, announced Emmanuel Macron. “We have proposed today that the European Peace Facility (Editor’s note: who makes it possible to finance this aid) or added an additional 500 million euros”, revealed Emmanuel Macron.

“We Europeans are not waging war on Russia, but we support Ukraine and sanction Russia, explained Emmanuel Macron. But we must do our part and assume historic decisions. »

Continuing on the diplomatic path

The European Union is not abandoning its attempt to resolve the conflict through diplomatic means. Especially since Russian President Vladimir Putin said he saw “positive progress” in the talks with Ukraine. “I will inform you (…) how the negotiations are going, which take place almost every day now. There are some positive steps,” he said, without giving further details. “Our first objective is a return to peace, starting with a ceasefire and then a withdrawal of Russian troops,” said Emmanuel Macron.

“We are now going to attack a fourth package of sanctions which will make it possible to isolate Russia even more”, explained Ursula von der Leyen, without specifying what these new sanctions would be.

Towards EU membership for Ukraine?

There is “no rapid procedure for joining the European Union”, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte recalled on Thursday, while Ukraine had submitted an application in the hope of joining it “without delay”. Emmanuel Macron did not say anything else: “Can we have accelerated membership with a country at war without looking at the other criteria? The answer is no. “There are conditions to be met to leave the European Union,” recalled Ursula von der Leyen.

“The application for membership is an expression of its right to choose its own destiny, observed this Friday Ursula von der Leyen. Today we have paved the way and Ukraine is part of the European family. “Ukraine does indeed belong to the family of the European Union”, added Emmanuel Macron, specifying that the applications for membership of Moldova and Georgia will be examined.

Before the summit was concluded by Emmanuel Macron, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky felt that the European Union should “do more” for Ukraine. “We have to go harder. This is not what we expect,” he said. “The decisions of politicians must coincide with the mood of their peoples, the European peoples (…) The European Union must do more for us, for Ukraine. »

Against dependence on Russian energy

Sanctions once morest Russia find an obstacle: that of the Old Continent’s dependence on Russian exports, particularly those of gas. Ursula von der Leyen drew up the plan on which the 27 agreed to reduce this dependence. “We need to get rid of the dependence on Russian gas,” she said. And the President of the European Commission to evoke the “Repower EU” plan to “implement the transition in favor of renewable energies” and to propose “alternatives to Russian gas and oil by 2027”.

“We are going to create a working group for next winter to replenish our stocks,” revealed Ursula von der Leyen. “In the meantime, we must work on a new design to meet these needs so that our gas reserves are 90% filled by October 1 each year,” she added. “We have already started to build a path of independence”, noted Emmanuel Macron, calling for “ambitious” strategies. “We must prepare to desensitize ourselves from this dependence on Russia,” warned Emmanuel Macron, the French president expecting “sanctions” from Russia. “It’s a plan that requires new investments,” explained the French president.

Food plan alert

Inflation, which has been watching Europe for many months, should accelerate with the war in Ukraine. If measures are taken at the national level, they must be broader, considered the heads of state of the countries of the European Union. “There will be an impact everywhere in Europe, for families and businesses”, did not hide the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. “Our Europe is destabilized by the war in this respect, it will be even more so in 12-18 months compared to what we cannot currently plant”, explained Emmanuel Macron. “Europe and Africa will be very deeply destabilized in terms of food,” he warned, referring to the risk of “famine”.

A plan for European defense

European leaders had approved overnight from Thursday to Friday a joint declaration by which they undertake to “substantially increase their defense spending” in order to “increase their capacity to act autonomously” and “to ensure their mutual assistance”. “In terms of defence, we want to be able to define the investments we need, identify the needs and capabilities that are ours,” explained Emmanuel Macron.

The 27 Heads of State of the European Union thus want to set up a real industry from the point of view of Defence. “Importing would not make sense”, justified Emmanuel Macron. “By May, which will precede the NATO summit”, a strategy will have been worked out and might be discussed.



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