Physical exercise: How does physical exercise influence body weight? | Present

Knowing the limits of our body is the fundamental basis for achieving the desired results with the physical exercisetaking into account that in addition to improving our state of health, it allows us to obtain an adequate and healthy weight.

To maintain your weight it is recommended to gradually perform up to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity75 minutes of aerobic activity of ivigorous intensity or the combined equivalent of the two types of activity each week. But it is important to consult an expert to define the amount of physical exercise you need to maintain your body weight.

If what you are looking for is lose weightyou should perform physical exercise at a level of moderate intensity and vigorous, as well as adjust your diet while reducing the number of calories you consume.

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What does moderate intensity and vigorous intensity mean?

For maintain your weight, increase muscle mass or lose a few kilos should perform physical activity of modern or vigorous intensity:

If when doing the physical activity your breathing and heart rate are much faster but you can still carry on a conversation, it’s probably a moderate intensity. This type of exercise has to do with taking a brisk walk, playing actively, riding a bike at a walking pace, or performing moderate activities.

But if your heart rate accelerates substantially and you have to breathe very hard and fast to carry on a conversation, you’re probably practicing. vigorous intensity exercisesamong which are swimming, skiing, jumping rope, skating, among others.



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