Complicated morning due to heavy rains throughout the morning: state of the routes

March 10, 2022 – 09:56
The downpour mainly affected Cerrillos and the southern area of ​​the city of Salta. According to the forecast, rainfall will continue throughout the day. The cut continues on Route 68.

It rained with great intensity from midnight until 7:00 am today, in Cerrillos, La Merced and the southern part of the city of Salta.

It was a real downpour that flooded the main roads and avenues. There were electric shocks during the early hours and power outages in Cerrillos.

National Route 68 remains closed.

Photography courtesy Nandy Vega

The forecast anticipates a minimum of 15° and a maximum of 22° for the rest of the day. Rainfall will continue throughout the day, even tomorrow, although with less intensity.

The storm also reaches La Caldera and the northern sector of the Capital department. Rivers and streams remain swollen.

Delays and diversions due to flooding on routes throughout the Metropolitan area

  • Due to flooding of routes and streets, detours are made or income is delayed:
  • Services 5 Chicoana, 5 La Merced and 5 Cerrillos cannot circulate through Route 68 cutoff (between Cerrillos and La Merced – La Merced and El Carril), the cars remain delayed in the localities due to waterlogging in different sectors of the road.
  • Service 2 Rosario de Lerma, on Route 23 (Las Blancas), turns off through Campo Quijano.
  • Service 6 La Caldera cannot circulate, Route 9 (From Cowboys to El Gallinato), cut off by members of the Provincial Police, due to the collapse of stones that remain on the road.
  • Service 5 National Congress cannot circulate through the alley of Bº La Rinconada.
  • Service 7 San Agustín cannot circulate on Route 21 height Bº Las Palmas.

Central square of Cerrillos, today at 10 in the morning

Due to the rain, the B°San Carlos school remains without electricity. The same happens with the traffic lights located on Av. ex Combatientes de Malvinas, at the entrance to said neighborhood.

Classes were also suspended the Technical School of the Alianza de los Cerrillos and the Mariano Boedo school in La Merced.

State of the routes

From National Roads they reported that due to the strong storms that are recorded in the province, it is recommended to circulate with extreme caution on national routes 68 and 9.
On national route 9 – Section; Gallinato (km1615) towards Pte. Wierna (km1612) and in the (km1625) material on the road, traffic is interrupted and on Route 68 at INTA; between Carril, La Merced and Cerrillos water on the road and traffic cut off.
Machines and DNV personnel are carrying out clearance work quickly enough to provide transitability for those vehicles that are stranded in the affected areas.

On national route 51 (KM33) height El Alisal, (Km 41) Zulema and (Km 41 Zulema II material on the roadway, transited enabled with caution, DNV teams are heading to clear it.



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