Maduro reiterates that Venezuela will produce two million barrels per day in 2022

Caracas, March 9 (EFE) .- The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reiterated this Wednesday that the oil production goal for this year is two million barrels per day, which would mean an increase of 164.9% compared to the pumping at the beginning of the year, of 755,000 barrels, according to reports from the Venezuelan authorities to OPEC.

“This year we are going to two million barrels a day, rain, shine or shine. This year we will recover oil production hand in hand with the working class,” said the president during a meeting with representatives and workers from productive sectors, broadcast by the state channel Venezuelan Television (VTV).

The promise of exceeding the threshold of two million barrels had already been announced on January 15 during the presentation of his report and he tells before the National Assembly (AN, Parliament), with a Chavista majority.

“Regarding oil production, as of December we achieved an important milestone by reaching the production of one million barrels per day with a single and exclusive national investment, and with the participation of oil workers. This year we have the goal of reaching 2 million barrels a day,” he said then.

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Maduro insists on increasing the pumping of crude oil in the midst of an energy crisis generated by the invasion of Russia, the world’s second largest oil producer, in Ukraine, and following an unexpected meeting between the governments of Venezuela and the United States, which detailed that among the “different topics” they discussed, one was regarding “energy security.”

Several economists and oil experts distrust that the production of Venezuelan crude reaches two million barrels per day, and maintain that the Caribbean country would not have the capacity to cover the deficit left by Russia in the supply of crude oil following the government sanctions. of Joe Biden, in a scenario in which the US relaxes the measures once morest the state-owned PDVSA.

“I don’t know where Venezuela is going to get oil and derivatives from to increase its production and thus be able to sell crude oil and products to the US. Venezuela is not in a position to replace Russia to supply oil to the US market, especially since 70% of that oil are products. The refining park is only working at 10%,” economist Rafael Quiroz said on Twitter.

On the other hand, Maduro also promised, this Wednesday, that in 2022 the production of oil derivatives, petrochemicals and gas will be increased.

“This year 2022 has to be the year of inflection, between before and following, between the time of resistance and the time of accelerated and consolidated growth, sustained, the growth of the entire economy, everything from the microeconomy of entrepreneurs to the macroeconomics of large oil production,” he added.

(c) EFE Agency



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