TRIBUNE — After two years of intoxication by anti-Covid propaganda, we are now summoned to adhere to the binary anti-Putin pro-Ukraine propaganda. Everyone got into it overnight, individuals, associations, institutions, organizations, public services, political parties, media, even the Belgian telecom operator Proximus recently came up with a new scrolling logo “Stop invasion”, understand that war is bad and peace is good, the Empire of Good dear to Philippe Muray has never been so aptly named. Yesterday it was in the name of health, today it is in the name of a morality agreed to two balls.
However, it will have escaped no wise mind that nothing is binary and simple in this Russian-Ukrainian affair exactly as nothing ever was either in this other affair, more political than health, which has ruined our lives for two years of existential constraints, some more inept and more deleterious than the others.
Exit the pandemic collective psychosis, hello the following collective hysteria, I named the russophobia to which we are all invited to adhere under penalty of the same rejection and the same social condemnations: banishment of Russian authors and personalities and call for uninhibited assassination of Putin.
See also: Ukraine-Russia: “resisting the ambient hysteria”, Teresita Dussart’s analysis
There is nothing like the designation of a common enemy to bring together sagging peoples.
Just as it was forbidden to think differently regarding the Covid, it is now forbidden to think differently regarding this war which is very similar to the other phoney war in many aspects.
As for President Zelenski, already promoted to the rank of planetary hero by the mass media, here he is stamping with impatience, moaning like a child who has not received his toys promised by Santa Claus, his combat planes are not not yet arrived, castigating NATO which is rightly reluctant to establish a no flight zone.
But what does the bottle matter, as long as Zelenski has the intoxication to extend this conflict into a great world war in the world, following me the flies, Ukraine is well worth a nuclear apocalypse, what other cause would be more important than his, one wonders since a majority of our fellow human beings have already taken the step of solidarity by bleating in exactly the same way as they did with the health system, granting a special status to these refugees who deserve more attention and consideration than all the others (indigenous indigents included).
The contemporary war is of variable political and ideological geometry, that of Kosovo was perfectly illegal, but legitimate for the Atlanticist powers, that of the dreadful Putin represents the absolute evil around which it is urgent to unite, and all the proven historical elements which might shed light on the genealogy of this conflict are systematically hit by the censorship of the Good camp, like the elements shedding light on the nature of the pandemic: the 2014 coup and the official participation of neo-Nazi groups, systemic corruption of power , involvement of the CIA and the EU, threat of joining NATO, thousands of deaths in the East, prohibition of the Russian language, relentlessness and discrimination of Russian-speaking minorities.
On the media side, the doctors on the Covid scene have been replaced by a host of retired generals and generals in Charentaises, as well as by war reporters, geopoliticians and even salon psychiatrists daring to questionable remote psychodiagnostics (it’s the spirit of the times, the zeitgeist) on Vladimir Putin’s personality structure.
Our era is resolutely that of the zero degree of thought, an intellectual degree that does not tolerate any contradiction, any questioning and promotes a binary and unique doxa structured between a Universal and indisputable decreed Good and Evil.
Did you believe that the pandemic was over and that universal peace would finally reign? And that this long-awaited end of the story had finally come?
Error, the tragedy reappears and even the epidemiological counters start to panic once more in France as in Belgium, already replacing the front page of the news on certain media (RTBF)
Soon the next wave will join that of this war whose economic extension will produce even more social and emotional misery.
The junction between the two axes of the Great Reset (epidemic and war) is preparing in the shadow of mass propaganda and the factory of opinion and consent.
The era of sacrifices has only just begun.
Pandora’s box is open, we are all Iphigenia.