Open the record for 36 years. The catastrophe “Chernobyl” tragedy “nuclear power plant” exploded!

The history of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant tragedy opened. That people around the world still remember On the situation “Russia” invaded “Ukraine” that is still tense up to this minute!

April 26, 2022 will be the 36th anniversary of the nuclear power plant disaster. “Chernobyl” It exploded on the city of Prepiet under Soviet rule at the time. which is currently the location of the countryUkraine

The 1986 nuclear plant explosion was called the worst accident in nuclear power history.

If going back to the event “Chernobyl catastrophe” within the area of ​​this nuclear power plant Six reactors are being built, with an explosion at Reactor 4 when engineers tested it. “Cooling System” and the emergency cooling system of the nuclear reactor core. On the evening of April 26, 1986

But during the test, a higher steam pressure was generated. But the automatic shutdown system doesn’t work. This resulted in such a high calorific value that reactor number 4 melted and exploded instantly.

The explosion quickly caused the radioactive material from the power plant to leak. 31 people were killed immediately, with the severity of the fire lasting up to nine days, especially as a result of the radioactive leak. causing the area around the power plant 30 kilometers to be declared as “Dangerous area” Authorities have to urgently evacuate more than 300,000 people from the area.

the radioactive leak “Chernobyl” has spread widely to other countries in Europe It was reported thatradioactive substancehas spread to northern Europe in the Scandinavian countries with a distance of more than 2,769 kilometers

Not only that, in the first five years following the explosion. There are populations in many countries with thyroid cancer. from contaminants present in the milk of cows fed on radioactively contaminated grass and also found “Contaminants” in the natural ecosystem of both animals vegetation in many areas

The severity of the nuclear power plant incident “Chernobyl” An explosion on April 26, 1986, following more than 4,000 deaths were recorded, with nearly 50,000 square kilometers of contaminated soil. And now there is a higher level of radioactivity than usual.

More importantly, it is estimated to be more violent than the nuclear bombing of Little Boy and Fat Man in the city. “Hiroshima” with “Nasaki” In 1945, more than 100 times

Then it’s not just a nuclear power plant. “Chernobyl” closed alone But the government has ordered the closure of the city until it is an abandoned city to this day.

Open the record for 36 years of catastrophe

Although the event entered the 36th year, but the nuclear power plant tragedy was mentioned once more when it was reported that russian army have attacked nuclear power plants “Zaporizzi” It is located in the south of Kiev. The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant It accounts for 25% of the electricity used in Ukraine.

for nuclear power plants “Zaporizzi” It is the largest power plant in the world. It has a larger area than a nuclear power plant. “Chernobyl” Which many are worried regarding the current conflict in Ukraine The tragedy will repeat itself with the events. “Chernobyl”

“Dmitro Culeba” Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine posted a message saying Russian troops fired from all sides to attack the nuclear plant. “Zaporizzi” which is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe If an explosion occurs The damage will be greater than the event. “Chernobyl” 10 times

All are records of a nuclear power plant tragedy. “Chernobyl” historic bomb that people around the world still remember for 36 years on the situation “Russia” invade “Ukraine” who is still in a state of tension until this minute!!

Open the record for 36 years of catastrophe

wikipedia reference



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