A Nigerian man has been arrested in Kollam for stealing a teacher’s money by sending a fake WhatsApp message in the name of the state police chief. Romanus Kliboosi (28), a resident of Uttam Nagar, Delhi, was arrested by the Thiruvananthapuram City Crime Police. Police have recovered a SIM card used to create a fake WhatsApp account of the DGP.
Rs 14 lakh was swindled in the name of online lottery. He had threatened to face legal action if the tax money was not deposited in the account through fake WhatsApp. The teacher then paid the money. According to phone records and mobile location, the accused was found in Uttam Nagar, Delhi. Cyber police CIP B Vinod Kumar, SI K Bijulal, ASIs N Sunil Kumar and K Shibu, CPOs VU Vijeesh and S Sonuraj arrived in Delhi. The arrest was made with the help of Delhi Police. Seven mobile phones, a laptop, ten SIM cards and five ATM cards were also recovered. They are getting help from some young women from the Northeast. Police will return home with the accused on the Rajdhani train on Wednesday morning. He will be produced in the CJM court in Thiruvananthapuram.
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