Pregnant employees still too often discriminated against, warns the Defender of Rights

Pregnant employees or employees returning from maternity leave are still too often victims of discrimination at work, worried Monday the Defender of Rights, who publishes a “legal guide” to remind women that the law protects them. “We still make too many decisions where women are not hired because they are pregnant, do not find their job when they return from maternity leave, or whose trial period is terminated because they are pregnant. “, criticism in a press release Claire Hédon.

Out of approximately 7,000 referrals received last year for cases of discrimination, 3.2% “were on the grounds of pregnancy”. “Many believe that this type of discrimination is over, but in fact it is still very significant,” says Mathilde Zylberberg, responsible for employment issues at the Defender of Rights. By publishing a legal guide on these issues, the institution hopes that women will be able to “become more aware that they are being discriminated once morest”.

The “tip of the iceberg”

Those who seize the Defender of Rights or justice are only the “tip of the iceberg”, because many give up complaining for fear of losing their job, added Mathilde Zylberberg. The legal guide published on Monday, on the eve of International Women’s Day, reviews a large number of situations where employees can be harmed because they are expecting a child or have taken maternity leave, and recalls all the prohibitions weighing on the employer.

He does not have the right “to question a candidate regarding her present or future pregnancy”, to refuse to hire a woman because of her pregnancy, nor to dismiss an employee because she is pregnant. . In the latter case, an exception is provided for in the event of “serious fault” on the part of the person concerned, but this fault must still not be linked to the pregnancy: in other words, “certain behavior such as fatigue or irritability which are related to pregnancy are not accepted grounds” for dismissal.

In some cases, the employee may be justified in claiming in court that she has suffered a form of discriminatory “harassment”: for example, if the management has suddenly changed its attitude towards her following the announcement of her pregnancy. , multiplying the reproaches once morest him and the destabilizing meetings. In civil matters (before the industrial tribunal), the burden of proof is reversed, underline the authors of the legal guide: the employee does not have to provide indisputable proof of the alleged discrimination, but only to create a “reasonable doubt” in the judge’s mind.



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