how to claim your 100 euros in march?

PREMIUM INFLATION. The payment of the inflation bonus has been closed since February 28, however, many French people have still not received anything. Here are our tips for making a claim and receiving the compensation of 100 euros in March.

[Mis à jour le 8 mars 2022 à 10h50] Many of you at the beginning of March still have not received the inflation bonus of 100 euros. However, you filled in all the boxes to claim it, but following the deadline of February 28, still nothing. So how do you get redress and try to claim your inflation bonus during the month of March?

Two solutions are available to you. First, we advise you to contact the organization in charge of paying your compensation. A major imbroglio took place between Pôle Emploi and the Caf on the subject of the payment a few weeks ago, it is possible that you are among those forgotten regarding the inflation bonus, a collateral victim of this dysfunction. Secondly, the Government has announced the establishment of a brand new site. A government platform for claiming the inflation bonus online. For now, no official date has been communicated, but the site should come out of the ground in the coming days, in March.

Are you one of the categories of beneficiaries who should have already received the inflation bonus, even before February 2022 for some? Do not panic. We advise you to contact the organization or company that should make the transfer to your bank account. No dedicated inflation bonus number is available on any platform. Don’t know who to contact? Here is a list of preferred contacts below:

  • For employees: the employer
  • For students : the CROUS
  • For job seekers: Employment center
  • For recipients of social benefits: the CAF
  • For cross-border workers: the relevant tax office
  • For farmers: a MSA
  • For non-agricultural self-employed: Urssaf

Also, some professions still do not know the exact date of payment of the inflation bonus. It should not delay any longer and should take place at the very beginning of the month of mars 2022, presumably the week of March 7. 300,000 self-employed entrepreneurs whose bank details (RIB) are not known to Urssaf are particularly concerned. In this case, Urssaf is supposed to contact the beneficiaries concerned and pay the inflation bonus in the coming days, beginning of February 2022. Finally, for certain people in the following categories, the inflation bonus has still not been paid, no more :

  • Author artists
  • Self-employed seafarers
  • Invalidity pension recipients

For certain pensioners affiliated to the plan Agirc-Arrco, the inflation premium has arrived. The processing times applied by the various banking establishments might reach 5 working days. The transfer having been made, no later than February 28, if we count the weekend which has just ended, the inflation bonus arrived this morning in the bank account of the pensioners concerned. Which is not the case for some French people, in particular the self-employed. So how do you make a claim to collect the inflation bonus in March? Follow the leader.

The inflation bonus payment has faced various problems since its launch in December 2021. Many potential beneficiaries have still not received it despite meeting all the criteria. In particular employees of private employers on sick leave on October 31 or job seekers removed from Pôle Emploi, supported in a second time by Social Security, as revealed by our colleagues fromRMC.

In this sense, the government would work on the creation of a dedicated website to those “forgotten” of the inflation bonus. A brand new platform that would allow those who still have not received it to claim it in due form. Launch of this new site? Mars 2022. Today, no such service exists, hence the confusion of some beneficiaries.

After the latest setbacks of the inflation bonus and the many late payments to thousands of French people, now the Government of Jean Castex think regarding setting up a new aid. On the same principle as the inflation bonus of 100 euros, a new inflation check might emerge in order to fight once morest the constant rise in energy prices. The war in Ukraine having not helped matters, this track is being studied and the Prime Minister should speak more broadly on the subject during the week. The prices of gas, fuel, or a barrel of oil are soaring, and it is the purchasing power of households that is taking a hit.

Bruno the Mayor has also hinted that such a decision was being studied on the antenna of BFM TVMonday March 7 : “All options are on the table. We will provide a response to the French most affected by the crisis, no European country has done as much as France to protect its compatriots.“Before continuing:”The bill amounts to 20 billion euros for the sole protection of our fellow citizens once morest rising energy prices“.

As a reminder, the inflation bonus was intended for all French people whose salary was less than 2 000 euros net per month. Launched in December 2021 by Emmanuel Macron, this inflation allowance was aimed at employees, students, retirees, self-employed entrepreneurs or civil servants. That is 38 millions of French for a total cost of €3.8 billion. This new check might be more targeted, but the terms are not yet known. Bruno the Mayor appeared rather serious this Monday morning on the set of Apolline de Malherbe, even judging that “our lives won’t be like before“.

The inflation allowance will be paid to people whose earned income or replacement income is less than €2,000 net per month. It will be granted to persons receiving allowances and social benefits.
The list of the main categories of beneficiaries is as follows:

  • Employees of private employers, including apprentices and beneficiaries of a professionalization contract
  • Public officials
  • Recipients of early retirement
  • Self-employed workers
  • Author artists
  • Job seekers and vocational training trainees
  • Recipients of invalidity pensions
  • Retired persons, including beneficiaries of survivor’s pensions
  • Scholarship students and those receiving housing aid
  • Young people on a support path to employment or in civic service or volunteering for integration
  • Beneficiaries of social minima

The bonus of 100 euros is granted on an individual basis. In other words, the composition of the household is not taken into account to determine eligibility for inflation compensation. Thus, a couple can receive up to 200 euros, ie 100 euros each or only 100 euros if only one of the spouses meets the income conditions (see below). In total, 38 million French people will benefit from the 100 euro inflation check.

But who is affected? To determine eligibility for the inflation allowance, the government has determined a ceiling: are therefore concerned French people who earn less than 2,000 euros net per month – before application of the withholding tax -, whatever their status and profession. To determine the reference salary, the executive has chosen the month of October 2021. Would you like to know more regarding the 100 euro bonus? answers all your questions. Consult our dedicated file now:

To be eligible, you must win less than 2,000 euros net per month, i.e. 2,600 euros gross for the month from October 2021, whether you are a civil servant, employee, self-employed or retired. Note: this ceiling of 2,000 euros net corresponds to your remuneration before deduction at source. On the payslip, it will therefore simply be necessary to check the line “net payable before income tax“, above “net payable”. Remember that the status of French resident is also a mandatory criterion.

Please note: if you are on a short contract (excluding temporary work), the payment of the 100 euro bonus is not automatic “if the cumulative working time with the same employer is less than 20 hours”, warns the government in its file of hurry. “It will assume that the beneficiary expressly reports to one of his employers, preferably the one with whom the employment relationship is still ongoing, or failing that the one for which they worked the most hours during the month of October. “. What regarding other situations? summarizes them for you:

  • For retirees : you receive the minimum old age (ASPA) or the overall amount of your pensions (general scheme, supplementary, survivor’s pension, etc.) is less than 2,000 euros net in October 2021. “The assessment of resources will be made on the basis of the amount of retirement pensions. retirement basic and supplementary (ex. AGIRC-ARRCO), including survivors’ pensions [du mois d’octobre 2021]“, it says.
  • For independents: you must have been active in October 2021 and have declared to the Urssaf or the MSA an activity income of less than 2,000 euros net per month “for the year 2020”, it is indicated. “The net income retained is that calculated during the annual declaration of income”, it is recalled. “If the activity is created over the period January-October 2021, this condition will be considered satisfied”.
  • For the self-employed : your turnover must be at least equal to 900 euros between January 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021. “This amount must also correspond to an average income of 2,000 euros net per month over the period, which corresponds , taking into account the application of tax deductions according to the nature of their activity, to an average monthly turnover of: €4,000 for craftsmen; €6,897 for traders; €3,030 for the liberal professions”, we complete in the press kit.
  • For job seekers : you must not be working and your allowance must be less than 2,000 euros net.



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