Avoid getting into debt with credit cards: the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates this month | Videos | Univision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

pay the debt in fullit might take years, we tell himwhy should he think twicebefore highlighting your card.to take out your card. nopay the balancedifficult, there is an increase ininterest rate affectingdirectly to consumersof credit cardsbecause they are forced to payinterests. Jorge Hernandez sayswho tries not to waste, butyour credit card is alifesaver boardmillie: depending on the reservationfederal in the fourth quarterof the year 2021 the balancesreached $860,000,000,000of 52,000,000,000 in the sametime frame. we spoke withan expert.no alina >> nospend what you earn.we earn 5000 and spend 10,000.this is not good.millie: he’s raised the pricesof the basic basket and the



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