They will create a health center in Ñuble that incorporates a career in Medicine and an Epidemiological Center – La Discusión

The collaboration agreement and financing commitment was signed between the Regional Government of Ñuble (GORE) and Universidad del Bío-Bío (Ñuble headquarters) 2022 – 2027.

The GORE managed the contribution of 10 billion pesos in six years, from 2022, and the UBB will contribute 4 billion pesos in the same number of years, with the aim of opening the Medicine career for the training of doctors for the Ñuble Region, in addition to non-medical careers such as Chemistry and Pharmacy, and those that respond to the effective demands of the community.

It is planned to start the Chemistry and Pharmacy career from the year 2023, with an estimated graduation of 32 professionals in the year 2027.

The formation of the Health Simulation Center is also contemplated. The objectives of this center are, on the one hand, the development of educational technologies in simulation, and on the other, the incorporation of active and innovative methodologies for evaluating clinical capacities.

The project includes the formation of the Ñuble Epidemiological Center. Its objective is to establish those key factors that are determining factors in the health of the population, in order to take the pertinent measures that make prevention and health promotion possible.

The regional governor, Óscar Crisóstomo, commented: “we are concretizing what is part of the dream of the Ñuble Region, a young three-year-old region with a lot of desire, but the citizenry also hopes that today these ideas will begin to materialize so that we can feel as a region. Today I feel that we are approving more than a collaboration agreement, we are not only approving a resource, we are approving a strategic line of development where the health pole has to be one of the vital spaces for citizens, our professionals and capital social is settled in our region”.

Hernán Álvarez, president of the Internal Government Commission of the Regional Council, commented regarding the signing of the agreement: “We are in the presence of a great challenge that we have had to face and resolve. I think it is a project of gigantic magnitude and significance for the Ñuble Region, and unsuspected in its projection”.

For his part, the rector of the UBB, Dr. Mauricio Cataldo Monsalves, stated: “We thank the Regional Council for having approved the Collaboration Agreement that will give life to the Ñuble health center. This is a significant public investment effort, to be able to carry out an emblematic project for the Ñuble Region and one of the most important academic transformations in the history of the University of Bío-Bío”.

He added that “this Regional Council, on behalf of all the citizens of Ñuble, has given us a great responsibility that we assume with pride and hope. We cannot be more satisfied with the Regional Council’s commitment to the health of each and every one of the inhabitants of this beloved region”.

For his part, the Provost of the UBB, Dr. Fernando Toledo Montiel, stressed that it is “a historic decision of the Regional Government of Ñuble. The University of Bío-Bío, a state and public institution, considers the health pole project -which contemplates the creation of the Medicine career-, as a strategic initiative for the region. We are very proud to be able to offer a comprehensive project aimed at the development of the territory, the well-being of people, the development of medicine with a regional perspective, and also the retention and attraction of human capital, so that young people glimpse attractive alternatives in Chillán and Ñuble. Likewise, it is a project that pays tribute to the Regional Development Strategy”.

health pole

The project’s medical advisor, Dr. Renato Arriagada Hadi, pointed out that “this solid project, together with the Medicine degree, considers a Regional Center for Epidemiological Studies, a space that makes the epidemiological reality of the region relevant, different from the from the rest of the country. In health, the policies are national, but the same pathologies do not occur, with the same emphasis throughout the territory. The Ñuble epidemiological center will make it possible to optimize and make resources more efficient because it will be known precisely where they should be focused.”

He added that the Clinical Simulation Center “will also be a great advance, because they do not exist in the entire country or in all the training universities. These centers are not only used by students and interns but also by doctors, for example, through them it is possible to opt for specialization courses that today are developed in world-class centers”.

“I believe that this solid project of the University of Bío-Bío will open horizons to many young people regardless of their socioeconomic condition, which is the great limitation for leaving the region to study medicine, considering their skills, aspirations and aptitudes as the basis. This project implies a great utility, difficult to measure and will have a great impact on the identity of the Ñuble region itself”, he remarked.



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