Steam under Windows can also install Steam Deck UI, turning ordinary PC into Steam game console | XFastest News

As Valve’s first PC handheld, the core part of Steam Deck’s software is naturally the Steam client, but it is very different from the client version that everyone is very familiar with. Its UI interface is specially designed for small screens and handle operations. The hardware is not available yet, but the software can always be experienced. Recently, some players discovered that the Windows version of Steam can also use the UI interface of this handheld.

On Reddit, some netizens shared how to convert the Windows version of the Steam client into the Steam Deck UI. The method is very simple. First, go to the package folder in the Steam installation directory, create a txt file named beta, and write steampal_stable_9a24a2bf68596b860cb6710d9ea307a76c29a04d in it. After saving, remove the txt suffix of this document, and then go to the properties of the Steam shortcut – target, add -gamepadui following the file path, and then start Steam is the Steam Deck UI.

Screenshot from ETA PRIME

Since the Steam Deck UI is specially optimized for handle control, for some people who use the computer as an HTPC, or are a Steam game madman, and only play games in the Steam library following booting up, then this UI is very convenient to use, although Steam already has it. There is a large screen mode, but that one was designed many years ago, and it can be said that it is not easy to use at all. In contrast, the Steam Deck UI has been widely praised by reviews, and it is very simple to return to the traditional Steam interface. Just delete -gamepadui in the startup item of the shortcut.

However, this also shows that in fact, under the Windows system, the Steam Deck handheld can also achieve full handle operation, but it should be because of the problem of system licensing fees, Valve chose to use Linux as the bottom layer, and then use the Proton compatibility layer. This enclosure runs games under the Windows platform, but it is still very simple to install Windows on the Steam Deck handheld, but the official does not have complete driver support, but if players want to use Windows 11 in the future, they must keep the Steam Deck UI. If so, it should be possible to have both.


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