a paradise for thrill seekers


France 2

Article written by

J.Lonchampt, M.Subra-Gomez, C.-M.Denis, O.Palomino, P.Guény

France 2

France Televisions

The 13 Hours takes you to the Vanoise massif in Savoie, to sites popular with thrill seekers, at altitude, under the ice or in the air.

In the Vanoise massif (Savoie), winter brings out fierce climbers. Step by step, holidaymakers, accompanied by their guide, want to reach one of the highest points in the valley using their touring skis. After a few hours of effort, the mountain reveals its most beautiful profile. An ideal setting for a well-deserved break. Then finally comes the long-awaited moment: the descent.

Every year, on the slopes, the Alps attract thousands of tourists, but also thrill seekers. A woman thus plunges into a lake of icy water, with, above her, a layer of very solid ice. The presence of an instructor is compulsory, and the dive lasts only 20 minutes. A few kilometers away, in the town of Tignes (Savoie), a man takes off above the snow aboard his motorized ultra-light glider.



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