A flower-like rock on Mars was discovered by the Curiosity rover.

Stone Flower discovered on Mars by the rover Curiosity. showing traces of the flow of water in ancient times

A photograph of a rock shaped like a flower was taken by a camera. Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) which is attached to the forearm of Curiosity The picture was taken in the vicinity of Aeolis Mons also known as Mount Sharp in the center of the crater Gale Crater On February 24, 2022

Although such photos look like ground photos.MarsGeneral, but when zooming in, you will see very small stones shaped like flowers or corals. It is only regarding 1 centimeter wide. Abigail Fraeman Planetary scientist and deputy project scientist for the rover. Curiosity said

“This flower-like stone is called Blackthorn Salt look likeDiagenetics or rocks made from minerals precipitated from ancient waters that were once mixed with Martian rocks. The digenetic features found on Mars are similar in size. but may have a branching shape Also known as the dendritic form, for example Balckthorn Salt or has a rounded shape or a more spherical shape Just like the other rocks in the same picture.”

Curiosity large explorer rover part of the mission Mars Science Laboratory of NASA It has been deployed to Mars since November 26, 2011. It is the largest and most capable rover ever sent to Mars. It is capable of carrying a kit of 10 advanced science instruments, regarding as tall as a basketball player, with a mechanical arm approximately 7 feet long, containing tools such as 17 cameras, a laser for ablation and microscopic study. of the stone in the distance and an auger to collect powdered rock samples.

mission of Curiosity is to find evidence to answer the question that MarsHas there ever been a suitable environment to support microscopic organisms called microbes? with Gale Crater (The spot where the flower-shaped rock was found) was one of its exploration targets.

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information from jpl.nasa.gov and mars.nasa.gov.

Image from jpl.nasa.gov.



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