Signs of the zodiac
On this occasion we will learn how each of the signs of the Zodiac behaves in leisure and free time, when they have the opportunity to do what they feel like doing. Which would be the most partying and revelers or, on the contrary, which have a more homely and familiar disposition, we will also see which signs are really happy in their free time while others would actually be happier when they are working. We are regarding to see a new facet of the signs.
In their free time and their moments of leisure, these natives are attracted to all kinds of physical activities, in many cases sports and especially those that carry a greater risk or that everyone considers more “virile” or combative. Apart from that, they are attracted to all those entertainments that carry a certain risk or push themselves to the limit, noisy and uncontrolled parties. The most homely like to do activities at home, reforms, DIY or improvements of all kinds.
These natives will spend their free time enjoying enjoyment and pleasures of all kinds, doing those things that they like and relax them, enjoying family, partner, children, friends and loved ones in general. Likewise indulge in the pleasures and refinements associated with food, comfort or sensuality. But they also deeply love nature, vegetation or flowers, which is an environment that brings undoubted relaxation and peace to your soul. He loves all creative activities and art.
This is one of the most intellectual and extraverted signs and In their free time they love relationships and communication in general. They are among the least at home and those who most need to feel accompanied and interact, all in the context of an intense social life. On the contrary, the most homely, who are a minority, will give themselves over to some intellectual or literary activity of a vocational nature, spending long hours on the computer or talking on the phone with their friends.
This is one of the most familiar and homely signs, perhaps the most and will spend his free time enjoying the company of his family and his loved ones, including his partner and his closest friends, whom in his heart he also considers part of his family. If he has children he will turn to them. Likewise, Cancerians live and feel with greater intensity, especially at night, and that is when they are happiest and give the best of themselves, bringing their rich inner world to light.
Leisure and free time is especially important and longed for by these natives since it is in this period when they have the opportunity to do what they like the most and be themselves, when they are not subject to anything or anyone and only obey what they like. dictate your will. They will take advantage of those moments to enjoy their loved ones and at the same time shine. among them and impose their will on them. They will also indulge in leisure activities, especially cinema, theater and other entertainment.
This is a sign especially related to work and responsibilities that not only enslave them but in many cases they also like them and often these natives tend to take advantage of free time as a continuation or extension of their work, although in a calmer or more relaxed way. a more comfortable pace. In other cases, they will be delivered to domestic and home-related activities: clean, put everything in order, day-to-day affairs. And finally to intellectual activities.
These natives need relationships of love and friendship deeply and give themselves to them in their free time, especially their partner with whom they almost blend in. They are also happy with the enjoyment of pleasures, especially in an atmosphere of serenity and harmony. They are equally attracted to art in any of its facets, both to practice it and to enjoy it and beauty in general. Finally, activities related to nature, travel and cultivating social relationships.
In moments of leisure and free time, these natives give themselves over to the most hidden passions that nest inside their introverted soul: love, eroticism and the pursuit of their innermost dreams. Also the most intense or competitive sports activities, which lead them to push themselves to the limit. In other cases, studies or detective investigations on mysterious matters or those related to the followinglife, the esoteric world, the paranormal, moving energies, death and the followinglife, the spiritual world.
Extroverted and optimistic, these natives like activities outdoors and in nature, sports of all kinds, excursions and adventures of all kinds. They love relationships and communications, making new friends, getting along in a group. It is one of the least home signs and ones that most need to feel free. He is happy with all kinds of entertainment: cinema, theater, concerts, social events and, above all, travel, exploring and meeting new places, cultures and people.
These natives spend much of their leisure time with family and loved ones, and often tend to be homebodies. But in reality in many cases we are dealing with people who tend to live for their work, their career and their ambitions, dedicating an amount of time larger than usual or even taking work home on many occasions. But when they reach their goals and can enjoy life, then they will indulge in joys and pleasures.
These people feel different from others and they take other paths different from those usually taken by the majority both in their professional life as well as in their free time and their moments of leisure, often without caring at all regarding the opinion of others. Above all, they will spend time cultivating their friendships or making new ones. They feel comfortable in groups and also in “different” or creative activities, sports that involve other people. Sometimes you will like to seek solitude.
In their leisure time these natives will give themselves to their family and loved ones, children and partner, in many cases even the sacrifice or the renunciation of other joys and pleasures. They love beauty and art and often spend their free time cultivating or admiring it. In other cases, they will give themselves to philanthropic or humanitarian activities to alleviate the suffering of others or work for a better world. Finally, other Pisces natives will indulge in entertainment or pleasures that help them flee from the painful reality.