Consequences of the birth of triplets – Anna-Maria Ferchichi treats her incontinence with vaginal laser therapy


Rapper Bushido’s wife speaks bluntly of the consequences of her triple birth. Now she reveals the unconventional therapy with which she can be treated.

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The everyday life of the mother of eight is characterized by incontinence. Running, sneezing and big jumps are no longer possible since the birth of their children.

Instagram / anna_maria_ferchichi

Anna-Maria Ferchichi (40) and Bushido (43) are the proud parents of a large family.  Seven of the eight children are from their marriage.

Anna-Maria Ferchichi (40) and Bushido (43) are the proud parents of a large family. Seven of the eight children are from their marriage.


On November 11th last year, Anna-Maria gave birth to the triplets Leonora, Naima and Amaya.

On November 11th last year, Anna-Maria gave birth to the triplets Leonora, Naima and Amaya.


  • The 40-year-old is a mother of eight. Seven of her children are from her marriage to rapper Bushido.

  • On November 11, Bushido (43) and Anna-Maria Ferchichi (40) became parents to triplets Leonora, Naima and Amaya.

  • Anna-Maria has suffered from incontinence since giving birth. She reports on her experiences on Instagram.

  • Now she is counteracting the symptoms with CO2 laser therapy. It is not only effective when going to the toilet, but also has a positive effect on the couple’s sex life.

Anna-Maria Ferchichi has already given birth to eight children – seven of them are from her marriage to rapper Bushido. She recently gave birth to triplets. On November 11th last year, the Ferchichi family welcomed the addition of Leonora, Naima and Amaya, and happiness seems perfect. But the births left their mark.

The 40-year-old reported surprisingly openly on Instagram regarding the health problems that characterize her everyday life. She speaks of pelvic floor problems and incontinence. Topics that, in their opinion, are addressed far too seldom. But she emphasizes in the video message: “I’m sure that many women think: Oh no, I know.”

“This can not be true!”

She had already felt the first changes ten years ago, following the birth of daughter Aaliyah. When she jumped on the trampoline in the garden back then, it felt “as if my uterus was one floor down and somehow everything was pressing down”. An unknown feeling for the then 30-year-old. But everyday situations also caused her trouble in the form of incontinence. “When I enjoyed it and didn’t cross my legs, I often went into my underpants a bit,” she reports. Then she thought: “That can’t be true!”

Shortly therefollowing, the twins Djibrail and Laila (9) and later their son Issa (7) were born. That was just the start of the complaints. She might no longer run because she expected unpleasant things even if she sprinted to the bus stop. “As if there were no tension at all in the pelvic floor,” she explains.

Pee mishap at the gym

The peak of her suffering came in the gym when the trainer asked her to jump rope. “I think I actually peed my pants on the fifth or sixth jump,” Anna-Maria remembers. The shock of the incident was deep. On the one hand, because the mishap was “not announced” and on the other hand, because she “mightn’t stop it”. Thanks to dark training pants, nobody noticed anything. But later in the car tears rolled down.

Anna-Maria now wants to counteract the complaints. In addition to pelvic floor exercises, she swears by a form of therapy. “It is a CO2 laser that is inserted into the vagina and is intended to stimulate collagen fiber formation with small bursts. It’s a bit uncomfortable, it bleeds a bit followingwards and it burns unbelievably,” she explains openly. But the treatment is bearable.

Better sex through therapy form

The therapy showed its effect following the first session. “I can jump and jog on the trampoline once more,” says the mother of eight. In addition, the therapy in combination with the pelvic floor training also paid off in relation to the sex life of the spouses. The “feeling of tension down there” comes back once more. She emphasizes that her husband would not have pushed her into anything. Rather, she wished to have sexual intercourse once more relatively soon following giving birth. “I know there are many women who don’t care, and that’s perfectly fine, but I needed it for the closeness to the partner and for our marriage,” she explains.

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