mouth vs. Hurricane, with La Bombonera under construction: how much it will rain and how it could affect the field

The National Meteorological Service announces possible rainfall for the time of the meeting and in the Xeneize they are already wondering what will happen to the grass.

Despite trying, Boca did not manage to move the venue to the Racing stadium and will return to The Bombonera ahead of schedule. According to what they say from the club, the playing fieldwhich recently had the installation of the new drainage and is in full recovery, It will be six or seven points and at this time what worries the most is the weather forecast.

It is that the National Meteorological Service announces chances of rain for the moment in which the match between Xeneize and Hurricane is being playedwhich will start at 7:15 p.m. The chances of forecast precipitation are only between 10 and 40 percent and the amount that would fallin case the prediction is fulfilled, it would be little. However, this is still disturbing for the Boca world.

The good news for Jorge Ameal, Juan Román Riquelme and company is that the playing field has already been put to the test with heavy rains and has held up well. The rehearsal was held on Saturday, February 26, while Sebastián Battaglia’s team faced Independiente, in Avellaneda, under a deluge. At that moment, employees of the Ribera club entered the field of play at Alberto J. Armando, they rolled a ball and exposed a great certainty: beyond the fact that it is not yet 100% and logically there were gaps in certain sectors, the Boca stadium withstood the downpour and the ball moved without major problems.

This is how the ball rolled in La Bombonera in the middle of the deluge


This is how the ball rolled in La Bombonera in the middle of the deluge

This is how the playing field of La Bombonera looks now

Beyond the effort made by the cancheros in these last hours until the game, the playing field will be no more than six or seven points and Jorge Bermúdez himself recognized it, member of the Football Council. However, it is worth noting that It has improved a lot since the day Battaglia’s team faced Colón there. Now, green predominates and you don’t see so much sand.

Attentive, Boca: this is the playing field of La Bombonera


Attentive, Boca: this is the playing field of La Bombonera

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