Ukraine said the third round of Ukrainian-Russian negotiations will be held on the 7th, and the opening of the humanitarian corridor between the two cities of Donbas has been blocked

Ukraine said the third round of Ukrainian-Russian negotiations will be held on the 7th, and the opening of the humanitarian corridor between the two cities of Donbas has been blocked

2022-03-06 19:58:32Source: China News Network

China News AgencyNur-Sultan, March 6 (Xinhua) Comprehensive news: According to foreign media reports, the Ukrainian delegation confirmed that the third round of Ukrainian-Russian negotiations will be held on the 7th.

According to the Independent Ukrainian News Agency, Ukrainian negotiators who participated in the first two rounds of negotiations and chairman of the parliamentary group of the People’s Servant Party, Alahamia, said on social media a few days ago that the Ukrainian-Russian delegation will hold the third round of negotiations on the 7th. Still in Belarus. In addition, RIA Novosti quoted Alahamia as saying on the 6th that the humanitarian channel in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, is expected to open on the same day.

    In the second round of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia held on the 3rd, the two sides reached an agreement on the establishment of humanitarian channels. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 5th, humanitarian corridors have been opened for the people of Mariupol and Vornovaha in the Donbas region. However, on the same day, the two sides accused each other of breaking the agreement, and the opening of the humanitarian corridor was blocked.

    According to the Ukrainian Independent News Agency, Danilov, secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Committee, posted on his social media that the Russian army violated the agreement reached by the two sides on the 5th and continued to shell Mariupol, Vornovaha and other cities, making the The Ukrainian side was unable to safely evacuate civilians and deliver medicine and food through humanitarian corridors.

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on social media on the 5th, saying that the Ukrainian side asked the international community to immediately call on Russia to cease fire and open humanitarian corridors. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry stressed that once security conditions are in place, the Ukrainian side will evacuate civilians together with humanitarian organizations.

    According to the Russian News Network, the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov said that since the Ukrainian government has no intention of persuading nationalists and extending the “quiet mode”, the Russian armed forces resumed the offensive from 18:00 Moscow time on the 5th. According to the news, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the “quiet mode” will be implemented from 10:00 on the same day to open a humanitarian corridor for the people of Mariupol and Vornovaha. According to Konashenkov, the two sides have previously agreed on the corridor route. Yes, but residents of both places were held by nationalists and unable to leave through the corridor.

    According to the Ukrainian Independent News Agency, since the 5th, residents of Mariupol and Volnovaha have begun to enter Zaporozhye, a city in central and eastern Ukraine, through the humanitarian corridor. According to sources, regarding 200,000 people are planned to be evacuated from Mariupol and regarding 15,000 people from Vornovaha. (over)

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