Does your son suffer from a lack of appetite?.. Here is a magic solution with ingredients from your kitchen

Feeding children and getting them adequate and beneficial nutrition is a huge challenge for many parents, especially during their early years as any deficiency in the developing years can affect the health of children. But it is often difficult to satisfy children in eating, possibly due to poor appetite, which gives way to deficiencies. And according to a report published by the Times of India, some simple ingredients available at home can be used to treat the problem of lack of appetite in children.

Causes of poor appetite in children

Children often choose foods that taste good and are delicious, which results in a lack of healthy, varied nutrition. There can also be other reasons that affect children’s appetite such as constipation, bloating, cold, fever, sedentary lifestyle or excessive intake of foods rich in sugar or oil. Below are recommendations of some of the foods and drinks that help promote low appetite in children.


ginger tea

Ginger contains active compounds that help reduce flatulence, improve digestion, and increase the metabolic rate, which enhances appetite. Ginger tea for children can be sweetened by adding 1 teaspoon of honey, which makes it a sweet, refreshing, and digestive drink.

fennel drink

To prepare this sweet and healthy drink, you can soak a teaspoon of fennel in water overnight. Then filter the water in the morning and the child eats it before breakfast. Fennel drink helps flush out toxins from the body and also acts as an appetite suppressant by increasing the metabolic rate. The presence of enzymes and fiber in fennel can help reduce bloating and the fiber relieves constipation which also helps improve appetite.

Cinnamon and basil

Brew one piece of cinnamon stick with 5-7 basil leaves in 1 cup of water. The mixture is then filtered before adding 1 teaspoon of honey and a pinch of black pepper. This healthy drink helps in increasing the metabolic rate and improves poor appetite.

Vinegar and lemon mix

Experts advise using a large glass bottle when preparing the mixture, adding half a teaspoon of white vinegar, two tablespoons of honey, and half a liter of warm water to half a liter of lemon juice. After stirring well, seal the glass bottle. Experts recommend giving the child 2-3 tablespoons each day, with the aim of achieving tangible results in appetite, increased metabolic rate and good health.

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