The liver is the largest organ within the body and helps digest food, store energy and eliminate toxinsin accordance with Medline Plusthe US National Library of Medicine.
Therefore, if skin changes, lack of energy, slow metabolism, digestive disorders, low defenses and even mood swings are experienced, it might be that this organ is sending signals that it is not working properly.
For that reason, and even though he is able to clean himself, It is essential to maintain a healthy diet and habits that reinforce it.
One of the diseases derived from this organ is fatty liver, which occurs when a lot of fat accumulates in the liver cells. Although it is normal for people to have a small amount of fat in them, they are considered to have this condition when this volume is greater than 5%.
There are two types of fatty liver, according to the library:
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: it is not related to alcohol consumption and is divided into simple fatty liver and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In both, there is inflammation and cell damage.
- Alcohol-induced fatty liver disease: also called alcoholic hepatic steatosis which is related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. “The liver breaks down most of the alcohol you drink so that it is eliminated from the body, but the breakdown process can generate harmful substances,” he explained. Medline Plus.
Likewise, to keep the liver healthy, you must have a balanced lifestyle that involves physical activity and a healthy diet.
Therefore, the non-profit organization, AARP, explained how to follow a diet that helps combat this condition:
1. The ideal diet is the Mediterranean: Due to the unsaturated fats it contains and its components rich in omega-3, it is highly recommended for those who suffer from fatty liver. Within this diet, red meat and alcoholic beverages should be avoided.
2. Enjoy coffee: Several studies affirm that the consumption of coffee can reduce the fats contained in the liver. In addition, the product can work as a protector in this organ, separating it from inflammation and oxidative stress.
3. Maintain adequate levels of vitamin D: deficiency of this nutrient can cause fatty liver. It is possible to find this vitamin in salmon, tuna and cheese.
4. Avoid eating food between meals: To lessen the symptoms of this condition, it is advisable to drink chamomile tea or water.
5. Put aside sugary drinks: “Soft drinks, juices and cocktails should be off your menu. Remember that foods and drinks rich in fructose and sucrose favor the synthesis of triglycerides in your liver”, explains AARP.
6. Include foods rich in vitamin C: papaya, kiwi, pineapple and broccoli are some of the foods that should be included in the diet for those who may suffer from fatty liver They contain a large amount of vitamin C.
On the other hand, the specialized health media Full moon has listed a number of routines that can prevent liver disease:
- If you are overweight or have diabetes, you should consult your GP to prevent liver damage from these conditions.
- Drink alcohol moderately.
- Drink plenty of water daily.
- Avoid consuming excessive sugar.
- If you suffer from constipation, it is important to mitigate the symptoms to prevent liver disease.