“They started hitting my head, I spat blood”: is there a gang at Parc de la Source in Louvain-la-Neuve?

Several young people have been assaulted by other young people in recent weeks. Some even ended up in the hospital with open fractures. On the spot, a feeling of insecurity is born among the residents. The local authorities have taken measures and are trying to find the perpetrators of these attacks. The victims, who contacted us via the orange alert us button, denounce a lack of police presence.

“There is a gang in Louvain-la-Neuve”, they write to us via the orange Alert us button. “Recently, a boy ended up in a coma with a broken bone in the hospital. They are using an 11-year-old child to set up their stunt”says the message.

What is happening in Louvain-la-Neuve, this new town built in the heart of Walloon Brabant in the early 1970s? The Parc de la Source, located in the heart of the city, usually hosts student parties on Friday evenings. But now, activities are restricted. The consumption of alcohol is prohibited there and the police presence has been reinforced. A municipal decree has been issued by the authorities.

“A dozen acts of assault and battery have been recorded. These acts have been occurring more frequently since the end of 2021. This decree aims to regulate gatherings by imposing measures intended to ensure cleanliness, safety and public tranquility“, can we read on this one.

A few days ago, Hugo (assumed first name for the sake of anonymity) was in the park with a friend when he was suddenly grabbed by a boy aged around 12. After briefly talking with the two students, the child disappears. He returns with an older young man. The latter then attacks the two friends and things degenerate. “When I turned around, a group of 10 people surrounded us and blocked our access to the center of Louvain-la-Neuve. We tried to leave. They started hitting me on the head. I had time to get up and I started to run. I had some following-effects. When I got up, I spat blood and I had a few bruises everywhere”says Hugo.

The 18-year-old student finally manages to escape. Quickly, the police are deployed. But the attackers fled. According to Hugo, he was attacked for no reason. “They were just looking for a fight. They wanted to fight and that’s it. We still don’t understand why they did that”assures the young man.

Hugo filed a complaint the evening of his assault. On the rise, these acts of violence are causing a feeling of insecurity in Louvain-La-Neuve. “We don’t dare come here anymore”, confides to us a young woman. “We don’t feel comfortable with the idea of ​​being alone. We want to be accompanied”adds another.

Two people also ended up in hospital in serious condition for acts of similar aggression. An investigation was opened to try to identify and find potential gangs of young people. “We have identified, on several occasions, that there were external bands which acted mainly on the territory of Louvain-la-Neuve”, explains Julie Chantry, mayor.

No one has yet been identified. The Walloon Brabant public prosecutor’s office is investigating this case.



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