Concern for the health of Enrique Pinti: he decompensated and was hospitalized urgently

The actor Enrique Pinti82 years old, must have been emergency internment at the Otamendi sanatorium after having suffered a decompensation at home. The news could be confirmed by THE NATION through his relatives, who are waiting for the medical report to know if he should remain hospitalized or can return home.

He broke down in his apartment and had to be hospitalized to undergo a series of studies”, said Cipe, one of the great friends of the capocomico.

The journalist Lio Pecoraro released the scoop on his Twitter account this Saturday morning. “Enrique Pinti was hospitalized due to a decompensation that he suffered in his home,” he wrote. And he added: “The corresponding studies are being carried out that they could not do at home. He was accompanied by his niece, the nurses who take care of him and his dear friend Cipe ”.

In recent months, various television shows reported on the state of health of the actor who, in addition to his diabetes, would be going through a severe depression. In the Chronicle TV cycle The Run Run of the Show, Raúl Martorel assured at the end of February that the comedian was undergoing a treatment that had already begun to show a slight improvement.

Some versions indicated that the picture of the comedian was due to deep loneliness and economic problems. In fact, in some programs they emphasized how the most restrictive section of the measures taken by the National Government to curb the scope of the Covid 19 pandemic would have affected him. Pinti, accustomed to going out and dining with friends, suddenly found himself without that possibility. “In a well-known restaurant that he went to every week for years, they always have his table reserved for him,” Luis Ventura said in in the afternoongiving an account of the way in which their daily life was affected.

It was also mentioned that the actor would be experiencing financial difficulties. However, these versions were denied by the same actor. “In addition, he asks please that in this process, which is very slow, no more be said that he is financially bankrupt,” said Martorel.

It is that, despite the confinement, the humorist remained connected to the national reality all the time and, faithful to the critical and sharp style that characterizes him, he gave his opinion on some of the most salient events. In December, on the 20th anniversary of the Corralito, Pinti gave an interview to this medium to recall that measure, of which he was a victim like thousands of Argentines: “Until it’s your turn, you think ‘it’s not going to happen to me’ and then you neglect yourself. There are people who are an ace for business and another who is a donkey, I am in the second category, ”he explained. And he added: “I had just done my show” Salsa Criolla “, I never would have imagined that with a theater show you could earn so much money, I never imagined that success. We did 2,750 performances over almost 9 years. But, I made the mistake of not doing any kind of saving according to the country where I was born and always lived. It’s like I said: “Serve that they are candies”. He went to Europe every year, but not because he was “nouveau riche”, but because he had dreamed of it all his life. The idea was to enjoy, not brag, because I was traveling to see those places. I worked from the first week of January to the last week of October. And in that last week of the month I would go and take November and December, those months I did not work.

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In November, at the height of L-Ghent’s media heyday, Pinti was asked about the phenomenon during a radio interview. “The truth is that I don’t see much talent. When I was a kid, I saw talent in Antonio Tormo or Ramona Galarza or Alberto Castillo. Talent to get into the environment. I used to say that they didn’t sing so badly and that they didn’t sing out of tune, at the age of ten. Instead, to L-Ghent no. But one is already big and has another sensitivity”.

Months before, in July, the actor had reflected on the statements of the diva of the phones. “You have to see where one comes from, who gave birth to you, fed you and took you to a place; then you can criticize the systems. But when I hear Susana Giménez say that this is ‘Argenzuela’, I would like to remind her that Argentina gave her a large part of the money she has, that he earned it by working and absolutely deserved, but this country gave it to him”, he shot.

Pinti also gave his opinion about the VIP vaccination that led to the resignation of the then Minister of Health, Ginés González García, and recounted his own experience: “They offered me priority on the vaccination list and I told them no, that in no way . You know that the whole world is going to fall on top of you, beyond the fact that it is something that should not be done, ”he emphasized. And he added: “It seems to me that a vaccine like this, for a pandemic disease that is taking millions of people, it is not toilet soap.”

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