#Video Migrants star in a new protest in Tapachula

Some 200 migrants originally African and Haitian protested in a violent on Tapachula, Chiapasto demand that the immigration authorities attend to their formalities to prove your stay legal in the country.

The protest ended in chaos after the migrants throw stones, sticks and objects at police officers National Guard guarding the offices of migration.

In addition, the migrants took down a traffic signal and the traversed on an avenue, where they burned branches and placed stones.

Given these actions, the residents of the area said they were tired of the demonstrations of migrantswhich almost always close the streets and limit the free movement of people.

“The worst thing is that they make fun of the population and the authorities since they feel untouchable because the authorities do nothing for our safety,” said Mireya García, who lives near the office from regularization migratory.

García pointed out that migrants cause chaos and disorder and therefore it is necessary that the authorities act and defend the rights of the inhabitants.

The woman indicated that the slowness of the authorities of the Migration’s national institute (INM) has caused the origin of protests and demonstrations, which only affect the citizens of Tapachula, who are already tired.

Neighbors fear that the demonstrations and assaults of the migrants continue to increase and become radicalized and pointed out that the confrontation ended without any injuries being recorded.

Tapachula is a city that has been a reflection of the migration crisis who lives in the region.

Throughout 2021, several caravans migrants with thousands of peoplealthough the vast majority were stopped and dismantled by the Mexican security forces.

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The region is experiencing a record flow to the United States, whose Office from customs and Protection border (CBP) detected more than 1.7 million undocumented immigrants on the border with Mexico in fiscal year 2021, which ended on September 30.

Mexico deported more than 114 thousand foreigners in 2021, according to data from the Secretary of the Interior.

While the Mexican Commission for Refugee Aid (Comar) received a record 131,448 refugee applications in 2021.

With information from EFE

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