after Macron enters the campaign, the other candidates go on the offensive

As if they were just waiting for this, for this strange electoral campaign to finally start. Emmanuel Macron’s opponents in the race for the Elysee Palace very quickly responded to the publication, Thursday, March 3, of the letter to the French from the outgoing head of state. Eric Zemmour even preceded the distribution of this three-page text in the regional daily press. In a video posted on social networks, the far-right candidate placed himself in the field of personal combat: “Mr. President of the Republic, I was expecting you. Here you are. The whole of France was waiting for our face-to-face, it will be able to begin. » Eric Zemmour has also aggressively denounced “five years for nothing” by asserting that “our country has become unlivable and you have become the cause”. “The French are following you”, he added, predicting that “the French people will not give you a second chance”. Same aggressiveness in form for Nicolas Dupont-Aignan. On Twitter, the candidate of Debout la France declaims: “French, don’t be fooled by Emmanuel Macron’s bombastic and empty letter! Meditate on this proverb: “If someone cheats on you once, shame on him. If someone cheats on you twice: shame on you.” »

On the same side of the political spectrum, Marine Le Pen has chosen to put the scope of the announcement of the candidacy of the outgoing president into perspective. ” It is not a surprise. The choice he makes in the regional press (…) demonstrates that he intends to remain in the background of this election, of this campaign. (…) Almost in every line I disagree with him and therefore I will do everything to ensure that the next five years are without him and with me. said Thursday on France 2, the candidate of the National Rally. Mme Le Pen gave no credit to Emmanuel Macron when the latter, in his address to the French, concedes: “We haven’t succeeded in everything. There are choices that with the experience acquired, I would no doubt make differently. » The MP for Pas-de-Calais prefers to attack the balance sheet of the outgoing president. “He did it ten times, this mea culpa, he did it following the ‘yellow vests’, he did it following the retreats, he did it following every crisis he actually caused. He is responsible for all the crises that occurred during his mandate. »

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers For Emmanuel Macron, an entry into the campaign while sobriety

” Accountable “

Put under pressure in the polls by the two far-right candidates, Valérie Pécresse first, in a speech delivered at her campaign headquarters, took care to recall that, “if the gravity of the international situation” demanded a “a spirit of responsibility and a dignified opposition”, “the French cannot be deprived of a real democratic debate”. The candidate of the Les Républicains party then proceeded, methodically, to undo the action of the president-candidate. “The policy pursued over the past five years has damaged France: increased violence, uncontrolled immigration, weakened schools and health, deindustrialization, declining purchasing power, explosion of debt and deficits, solitary exercise of power. It’s time to open your eyes. This five-year term was one of lost illusions. (…) Power must no longer believe itself above the people. Emmanuel Macron must be held accountable. » One way to expose each of the campaign themes that Mme Pécresse intends to oppose the favorite with opinion polls.

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