Effervescent paracetamol is one of the basic drugs in our pharmacies. Indeed, paracetamol can reduce pain such as migraines or lower fever for example. It is possible to get it without a prescription and everyone has already taken it. The effervescent character of this active substance simply allows easier absorption. Stamps are sometimes more restrictive. But in the columns of Yahoo Newsit is possible to find the summary of a new study published in the journal National Library of Medecine. A study that alerts the world to the links between heart attacks, strokes or heart failure, with the taking of effervescent paracetamol. Objection therefore brings you the essential information available on this subject.
Can effervescent paracetamol be dangerous for the heart?
Paracetamol is arguably the most widely consumed and prescribed drug in the world. Thus, according to the information provided by Le Figaro, it is also this drug that causes the most involuntary intoxication. Indeed, whether it is a cachet or effervescent paracetamol, this active substance should not be abused. Otherwise, an overdose can have dramatic effects on the liver. This is known information and also provided on the notices of the medications in question. But what our confer Yahoo News highlight is completely new. Effervescent paracetamol might indeed have very dangerous effects on the heart. The liver is therefore no longer the only organ to be monitored.
The study published in the journal National Library of Medecine reports the research work of a team of Chinese scientists. And the results are without appeal, effervescent paracetamol is more dangerous for the heart than paracetamol in cachet. To establish these alarming data, a panel of more than 300,000 people was observed. People over the age of 60, who are therefore more likely to develop heart pathologies. And this study extended over a whole year.
As our colleagues at Yahoothe scientists compared their data between the patients hypertensives who ingested effervescent paracetamol and those who ingested the same product without sodium (and therefore not effervescent). This comparison showed that “the risk of cardiovascular disease was 5.6% higher in those taking an effervescent drug, compared to 4.6% in others”. Objeko do not hide from you that these results are likely to give effervescent paracetamol a bad press.
Real and quantified risks
To expand their results and to make them all the stronger, the Chinese researchers then compared the previous data with their results on patients who do not suffer from hypertension. Again making a distinction between patients who consumed effervescent paracetamol and others. It shows that they too were at high risk of developing heart disease. The percentage of risk thus fell from 3.7% to 4.4%. One of the professors in charge of this study admits that the increase is minor. But he asserts that if the results are applied to the whole populationthis percentage is significant.
Once once more, it is sodium that is singled out. And for good reason, the colleagues ofObjectionalways at Yahoo, note that the WHO (World Health Organization) recommends not to exceed 2 grams of sodium per day. However, with a prescription, or self-medication, of effervescent paracetamol every six hours, patients easily reach 3.1 grams of sodium per day. “Effervescent and soluble formulations of 0.5 g tablets of paracetamol may contain 0.44 and 0.39 g of sodium respectively. If a person took the maximum daily dose of two 0.5 g tablets every six hours, they would consume 3.5 and 3.1 g of sodium. »the researchers noted.
Finally, the scientists point out that the risks increase considerably with the duration of treatment and the increase in doses. An implacable logic, our readers will agree. It will then be necessary to be careful with effervescent paracetamol. The doses of sodium in this medicine might damage the hearts of consumers. Subject to prescription or not, drugs are therefore never to be taken lightly. And in relation to this subject, these are directly risks resulting heart disease.