The physical exercise In addition to being good for health, it can provide benefits for weight loss, increase muscle massprevent or control many diseases and can even help you live longer.
Physical exercise and regular activity can bring you the following benefits:
1. Control the weight: The physical exercise may help prevent excessive weight gain or maintain weightloss continuously. Likewise, people who want increase muscle mass, they can develop weight-bearing activities to achieve the proper weight.
2. Increases energy: Exercising continuously supplies oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and helps the body Cardiovascular system function more efficiently, generating better heart and lung health for more energy for daily activities.
3. Prevents and fights diseases: Regular exercise helps prevent or fight heart diseasesSome types of cancer and cardiovascular accidents.
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4. Improves mood: The physical activity It stimulates various brain chemicals that can make you feel happier, more relaxed, and less anxious.
5. Promotes better sleep: The physical exercise It can help you fall asleep faster.
6. Improve the sex drive: Make physical exercise regularly can improve energy levels and stimulate sexual life.