This Friday, March 4 marks World Obesity Day and in France, 15% of the population suffers from this pathology according to WHO figures. And on a global scale, the number of cases of obesity has almost tripled since 1975. It is a real scourge that should not be taken lightly, because obesity is a major risk factor for several serious diseasessuch as cardiovascular disease.
As you know, obesity is characterized by significant excess weight, but there is a very specific threshold at which you are considered obese. The WHO recalls that in adults “there is obesity when the BMI is equal to or greater than 30″. Indeed, it is the body mass index that defines obesity. The BMI is calculated only by taking into account your weight and your height. Sex and age do not come into consideration, except in children.
For example, if you are 1m80 tall, you will be considered obese. if you weigh more than 97 kg. A BMI between 25 and 30 corresponds to an overweight person, which also constitutes a risk of developing serious illnesses. A person with a BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered normal build and below 18.5 is considered lean.
The WHO recalls that the fundamental cause of obesity is too many calories consumed, compared to the number of calories expended. This energy imbalance leads to weight gain and in particular fat mass. To prevent obesity, or get out of itwe must therefore adjust this caloric balance by eating less caloric foods or by reducing our diet and/or by practicing regular physical activity, which will make us spend more calories.