Man pushes battery into his penis – in the hospital – health

Doctors were able to remove the battery and the man made a full recovery from the surgery. What ultimately motivated him to do so remains unclear.

An Iranian man was referred to the emergency room following undergoing an AA nine months earlierBattery in his Penis pushed. The case study was published in the medical journal “Urology Case Reports” released.

On examination, the patient complained of “irritating symptoms when urinating, including pain and decreased urinary power.” Subsequent X-rays revealed “severe and progressive” scarring of his urethra, which restricted the flow of fluid through the urethra. The doctors suspected that the scarring was caused by toxic chemicals in the Battery might have been caused.

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Reasons for importing items

The patient never revealed what prompted him to insert the battery, but surgeons found that patients insert objects into their urethra for a variety of reasons, including psychiatric disorders, autoeroticism, intoxication, and presumed contraceptives. However, medics found the man’s case particularly odd as he had no history of mental illnesses would have.

Regardless of the reason the man ingested the battery, if left in the intimate area for a long period of time, it can cause infection, gangrene, and even erectile dysfunction cause. To avoid permanent damage, the surgeons cut open the patient’s perineum – the tissue that Penis and anus connects – to gain access to the urethra without the testicles to hurt. They then removed the battery and used a skin graft from the inside of his cheeks and lips to repair the damage to the urethra.

The man was discharged from the hospital following a three-week observation period. The man made a full recovery from the phallic fiasco.

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