Macron declares himself, Poutou claims his sponsorships


THE KEYS TO THE ÉLYSÉE. Until the end of the campaign, the JDD offers you its presidential debrief every evening. On today’s program: Emmanuel Macron declares himself, Philippe Poutou claims his sponsorship and Marion Maréchal supports Eric Zemmour.

D – 38 before the first round of thepresidential election

D – 52 before the second round

Fact of the day: Emmanuel Macron declares himself in a letter to the French

Facts. The President of the Republic will formalize his candidacy for the presidential election this Thursday, in a “Letter to the French” broadcast on the websites of regional daily press titles. A suspense until the last moment: the aspirants to the Elysée had until Friday 6 p.m. to officially formalize their candidacy.

A written format. The president’s entourage tells BFMTV that this written format, which aims to be sober, has the advantage of allowing a differentiation between the Head of State, mobilized on Ukraine, and the future candidate. In the past, former presidents François Mitterrand and Nicolas Sarkozy had also taken up the pen, during the presidential campaign, to take stock of their mandate and address the French people.

Why it matters. After a schedule disrupted by the Covid-19 epidemic and then the war in Ukraine, the declaration of candidacy ofEmmanuel Macron has been postponed several times. Only 38 days from the first round, Emmanuel Macron will finally be able to officially launch his campaign.

Read also – Presidential candidacy: Emmanuel Macron in search of the ideal moment

The figure: 439 sponsorships for Philippe Poutou

439. This is the number of sponsorships officially collected this Thursday by Philippe Poutou. But the NPA candidate assures in a video that he has 500 signatures. These must arrive by Friday 6 p.m. at the Constitutional Council. The official list will be announced Monday noon by the president of the institution, Laurent Fabius.

Read also – Presidential: will Philippe Poutou be the twelfth candidate?

Support: Marion Maréchal expected at Éric Zemmour’s meeting on Sunday

In January, she told Le Figaro to face a “impossible choice” Come in “coherence, vision, strategy [qui] make me lean towards Eric Zemmour » and “a family matter”, loyalty to his aunt, Marine Le Pen. Between the two, Marion Maréchal finally decided. According to information from Figaro , the former member of parliament for Vaucluse will appear alongside the candidate for Reconquest! during a rally on Sunday in Toulon, in front of some 7,000 activists. This rally, not surprisingly, “will symbolize and announce the success of the union of rights”wants to believe a close friend of Zemmour to AFP.

The phrase : “Let’s avoid postures that lead to escalation”

During a press conference, Valerie Pécresse launched a spade at the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire. The latter had said Wednesday morning that France and the European Union intended to “wage a total economic and financial war on Russia”, before backpedaling on the formula. “When we talk regarding atomic weapons, evoking the exclusion of Russia from the Swift system, or economic warfare which aims to destroy the Russian economy, I say, beware! Let’s avoid postures that lead to escalation”tackled the candidate Les Républicains, evoking a policy of “chin thrusts”.

The TV set: Marine Le Pen on France 2

Marine Le Pen will be the guest tonight on “Elysée 2022” on France 2. Initially scheduled for last week, the political program had been canceled due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. For the last forty minutes, the candidate of the National Rally going to debate with Enrico Letta, former President of the Italian Council from 2013 to 2014 and current leader of the Democratic Party (center left).



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