Coronavirus in Belgium: the fifth wave continues its descent

Thus, between February 24 and March 2, an average of 134 people were admitted to hospital each day due to infection with the coronavirus, a decrease of 28% compared to the previous reference period. On Wednesday, 2,135 people hospitalized were positive for SARS-Cov-2 (-22% compared to Wednesday February 23) and among them 214 were treated in intensive care (-26%). One in ten intensive care beds available in Belgium (11%) was thus occupied by a person suffering from Covid-19.

In the last week of February, 22 people positive for coronavirus lost their lives every day on average (-42%), bringing the death toll to more than 30,200 since the start of the pandemic in Belgium in mid-March 2020.

Between February 21 and 27, 6,388 new infections with Sars-CoV-2 were detected on average per day, or 29% less than during the previous seven days. Of the 263,574 screenings carried out (for a daily average of 37,653 tests), less than one in five (50,882) turned out to be positive, bringing the positivity rate to 19.3%.

Since the start of the pandemic in Belgium, more than 3.5 million coronavirus infections have been diagnosed.

The reproduction rate of the virus is 0.8. When it is less than 1, this indicator means that the epidemic tends to slow down.

As for the incidence, which provides the number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, it reached 937.6 over 14 days, far from the 2,490 in mid-February.

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