“Doctor Theerawat” spreads information to warn When you’re old, take antihistamines, your brain may be damaged.

The actual study was from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2016 Journal of the American Medical Association of Neurology). 52 cases of AC at the 2 and 3 active levels (AC+) were used. The characteristics of the group were similar: the mean age was 73 years, men and women were similar. level of education Alzheimer’s gene (28% AC+ vs. 25% AC-) was white (84.6 vs. 94.2%). The dosage of the drug regimen was similar. Few of these groups had ever had paresis, heart disease, or had heart, vascular surgery, or diabetes. including snoring air does not enter the brain (which may at risk of Alzheimer’s disease), atrial fibrillation, AF, which causes a blood clot to form a blood clot in the brain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, as well as ADHD, psychosis, and brain accidents. that are very close to each other in both groups: high blood pressure, high fat, regarding half and both groups were mostly right-handed.

Brain monitoring included cognitive scores, a PET scan of the brain (FDG), to look at the brain’s glucose use. including looking at the atrophy of the brain Using a brain computer electromagnetic field (MRI), the volumes of each brain region are periodically measured in detail.

At 96-month follow-up, the results showed that the AC+ group had volumetric atrophy of the brain. cerebral cortex and temporal lobe area (control of memory) and due to brain atrophy, there is an enlargement of ventricles in the brain (Lateral and inferior lateral ventricle volumes) as well as a decline in function from PET scan brain examination. Cognitive examination has both memory. Executive performance was found to be worse than the AC- group, particularly the AC+ group, who used class 3 strong drugs. The mechanism of AC drugs is unknown. Experiments on mice genetically engineered to have Alzheimer’s. It was found that enhancing the linkage of the Cholinergic system can reduce degeneration. Therefore, counteracting the system including destruction of the Cholinergic system in the basal forebrain may have opposite effects.

Another hypothesis is that taking AC drugs raises steroid hormone levels. The same is found in chronic stress and there will be more toxins in the brain. with poor control over the twisting of proteins in the brain become a toxin that destroys the brain

however Antihistamines include other groups of drugs for urinary and bruising. Emotional drugs are important and useful medicines, so consider the need and the dosage of the drug used. and period of use

However, this does not mean that the Alzheimer’s dementia drug increases the substance. Acetylcholine Will be able to make brain cells shine, slow death, difficult to die. It might be the same story.

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