Police intervention in Saguenay: the man barricaded in his accommodation arrested

The man who had barricaded himself in an apartment in Chicoutimi-Nord on Wednesday was arrested around 1 p.m. the same day, following setting fire to his home.

The Saguenay police had deployed a security perimeter around the building around 9:30 a.m., in an attempt to obtain the surrender of a barricaded man who was presumed to be armed.

It was following an altercation that was cut short by the authorities that the individual took refuge in this accommodation on rue Joffre.

About 20 police surrounded the building and tried to negotiate with the man who made threatening remarks.

“Neighbors of the accommodation where the man is were evacuated. We asked people who live in the area to stay inside and not to stand in front of doors or windows, ”explained Hervé Berghella, spokesperson for the Saguenay Police Department (SPS).

A negotiator was on site, but the individual, who is alone in his home, refused to cooperate and shouted insults at the authorities.

The police were however forced to act quickly when the latter started a fire in the building. Arrested around 1 p.m., he was taken back to the hospital and should appear on Thursday.

The fire was quickly extinguished by firefighters.




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